Chapter 58: Cold

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~My POV~

Mark continued giving his lecture. He would make references to some of the shit that we all said, except he would deliver the information in a more proper way.

"As Ashley mentioned before, taxes were placed upon some of the everyday products that Americans used back then. Some examples are sugar, newspapers, and stamps." Mark said. I rolled my eyes because that's exactly what I had just said. Mark was silent for a minute as he stared me down. "I already taught the class this crap, Mark." I told him with an asshole smile. He was tempted to smile back, but he gave me a serious look.

"Yeah, but half of what you said was curse words." He argued, looking back at the packet of notes. I just chuckled. "Well, yeah. The British back then were a bunch of assholes." I said back.

When I finished talking, my throat became pretty dry. I went into a little bit of a coughing fit that made the whole class stare me down. "Are you alright?" Mark asked me. I nodded as I got over the fit. "Yeah, just have a cold." I answered. I drank some water from my water bottle and leaned back in my seat.

"I think it's best you go home, Ash." Becca suggested. I shook my head. "No, I'm fine Becca. I'll make it through the rest of the day." I honestly doubt that I can make it through like this, though. Maybe I should just go home.

I decided to try to stick it out for today, and maybe stay home tomorrow. Maybe the teachers will be a little easier on me since I'm sick and contagious.

The class period ended, and Becca and I gathered together to head to art class. I'm assuming that we're back on the roster for that class since Miss. Young seemed nice about it on Friday. "We're going to have to repress our assholic attitude for this class period." I told Becca. She nodded with a half smile. "Yeah, I'd much rather draw for a whole period instead of sit in study hall with Mark staring us down." She said back. I laughed. "He probably has sexual dreams about us." I joked. That made Becca laugh a bit, and then gag. "Yeah, that'd be disgusting." She commented.

We made it to art right before the late bell went off. We sat at our old table and took out the self portraits we've been working on for the past month. Even while we weren't a part of the class period, we still continued to work on the portraits. They were coming out pretty good. All we had to do was use colored pencil to color it in.

"Hello, girls." Miss. Young said to us. She was sipping on her tea, as usual. She eventually got up and walked over to us.

"So I know it's been a while since you girls were here, but we're still working on our portraits." She explained to us. We nodded and showed her our work. "Oh! You guys have worked on it!" She exclaimed, smiling afterward. We nodded with a smile. "Yeah, we figured why not?" Becca answered. Miss. Young smiled at us and went to help other students.

Becca and I took some pencils out to continue our portraits. We were pretty much almost done with them. We just had to touch up some minor details, and then we were going to color them in.

Toward the end of the period, we finished with the touch-ups. We decided that we were going to color them in tomorrow or something.

The rest of the day sped by, and I was already outside of the school waiting for everyone to meet up with me. Even though I feel like shit, I figured that we could all skate home together. Adam had already gone back to the city on Saturday, and I'm not sure when the next time I'll see him is.

Becca, Maddi, and Casey came out at once and met me by the entrance. I looked at them and smiled. "Hey, guys!" I called. They saw me and smiled back. "You feeling a little better?" Becca asked me. I just shrugged. "Not really. I'm not coughing as bad right now, so I guess that's a good sign." I answered.

We all got on our boards and skated toward the neighborhood we live in. It was still cold as fuck outside, but none of us complained. We'd rather it be cold than hot anyway.

As we were about to skate off the sidewalk, Mark pulled up next to us in his car. Oh my god, what does he want now?

"Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that your lecture today was...abnormal." He said to us. We just shrugged. "So?" Maddi said to him. Mark just chuckled awkwardly.

I went up to his car window. "Alright, what's the real reason you stopped us here?" I asked sternly. I coughed a little after saying that, making Mark furrow his eyebrows.

"Are you sick or something?" He asked me. I just nodded and coughed more away from his window. "Yeah, I have a slight cold, as I mentioned this morning." I answered with an eye roll. Mark just nodded. "You want a ride home?" He offered. I shook my head. "No thanks. I'm gonna skate with them back. Might even grab a coffee on the way." I told him.

"Alright, well, I stopped because I wanted to see if we could talk." He admitted. My eyes widened, and I looked back at everyone else. "He wants to talk." I told them. They all just shook their heads. "Dude, we have to go." Casey said to me. I just nodded at her.

"Maybe next time, Mark." I said to him.

"Alright, I'll see you in class tomorrow." He said, rolling up his window. He drove way, and we skated behind him.


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