Chapter 16

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You swallow. 'Hannibal,' you say slowly, 'what kind of animal is this, exactly?'

'You do not find your dinner to your taste?'

'It tastes a little...weird. Not like beef.'

'It isn't beef,' says Hannibal pleasantly. 

'No? What is it?'

'It's the artistic director of the Baltimore Chamber Music Association. He refused to consider my suggestion of a season devoted entirely to the music of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.'

' found that rude?'

'Both rude and unwise,' says Hannibal, and his voice now is tinged with regret. 'Much like your question about the meat.'

His arm flashes out, grabs the carving knife, and throws it. Straight into your heart.

THE END...why not have another go?

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