Chapter 2

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You open the door to Hannibal Lecter's office without knocking. 

He is bent over his desk, looking closely at something. At your entrance, he looks up, and then stands.

'It is considered polite to knock,' he says, in his exotic, sexy accent. You notice that he is wearing some kind of a plastic suit, over his tailored three-piece suit and tie.

Then you notice what's on his desk. It's the severed head of a human being. Its eyes are staring right at you. Some sort of plant has been carefully grafted to the side of the skull.

And then you notice that Dr Hannibal Lecter is holding a knife. 

You try to back away, but it's too late. He has you in his firm grasp, pinioning you against the wall, unable to move. 

'You won't need an invitation to dinner,' he murmurs to you, almost lovingly, as he slides the knife into your body. 'You'll be there already.'

THE END...why not try again?

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