Chapter 20

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'Er, hold on Hannibal, I think we were in the middle of a private moment here,' you say.

Will and Hannibal exchange a look, full of significance. Eventually, Will shrugs.

'All right,' he says. 'Good. I only came by hoping for a sandwich. Have a marvellous night, both of you. And...' He appears to struggle with what he wants to say. 'Be careful with each other.'

Will leaves, leaving only the scent of pine woods and the faint whiff of dog hair.

Hannibal turns to you. 'Now,' he says, 'where were we?'

And he starts kissing you again. 

It was definitely a good idea to get rid of Will. He would seriously have cramped your style. You continue unbuttoning Hannibal's shirt, pulling it out of his trousers and unfastening it all the way down. Between kisses,  you sneak a look at his chest. It is magnificent.

'I think we should take this upstairs,' he murmurs against your mouth. And yet, for some reason, you can't stop glancing at the carving knife still resting on the platter, still stained with the blood of your meal. That meat tasted unlike any beef you ever have tasted.

If you go to Hannibal's bedroom, go to Chapter 23.

If you freak out because you suddenly have a suspicion about what meat you might have just eaten, go to Chapter 21.

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