Chapter 19

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You hold out your hand to Will, smiling invitingly. He glances from you to Hannibal and back again.

'I hope I'm not interrupting anything,' he says.

'You could never interrupt,' says Hannibal smoothly. He releases you, leaving you feeling bereft, and pours a glass of wine for Will. 'Are you hungry, Will?'

'I've just come from Jack,' says Will. 'I could do with a sandwich. Tuna, if you've got it. I'm in the mood for fish.'

Hannibal raises his eyebrows but he goes off to the kitchen.

Will swigs his wine. 'Listen,' he says, 'I know you're a consenting adult and all that, but you might want to reconsider your decision to get all hot and heavy with Dr Hannibal Lecter. It's not the most risk-free of choices.'

'I know what I'm doing,' you say.

'I'm not certain that you do. Anyway,' he adds, drinking more wine, 'I'm not one to talk. I can't resist him. It's just that I think it's better to walk into these things with your eyes open, that's all.'

'I've got my eyes open,' you say. 'And I'm looking at the prospect of a whole night filled with spectacular sex.'

'Well,' he says, grimacing slightly, 'that's a given.'

'What's a given?' queries Hannibal, returning to the dining room with a sandwich on a plate. 

'That you're great in bed,' you say, boldly. 

He trails a finger down your cheek. It makes you shiver. 'I believe that sexual intercourse is like beautiful music,' he says. 'Point and counterpoint, infinitely variable, in perfect harmony.'

You quickly bite back a remark about Whitesnake.

'Point, counterpoint, and counter-counterpoint,' says Will. 'In this case. If I'm reading the situation rightly.'

'You have a gift for intuition,' says Hannibal. 'And for understanding me.' He goes to Will, places his hand on his face, and kisses him deeply. You catch your breath at the sight of two beautiful men in such an intimate embrace.

His arm around Will, Hannibal reaches out his other hand to you. 'Join us,' he says. 'In my bedroom.'

On the way up the stairs, Will takes the opportunity to whisper in your ear. 'He'll do everything in his power to please you, and it's a dark pleasure, but a deep one. Just one word of advice: don't refuse any of his gifts.'

If you freak out about all the cryptic threats, go to Chapter 21.

If you go into the bedroom with Hannibal and Will, go to Chapter 22.

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