Chapter 36

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'What?' you say, feigning innocence. 'Me, quoting Def Leppard? During sex? I would never do something so tasteless and rude.'

Hannibal sighs. He sits up.

'You are lying to me,' he says sadly. 'You must never lie. I have given you the gift of my hospitality and my bed. To lie to me, is to refuse that gift.'

'Shit,' whispers Will. 'I told you not to refuse any of his gifts.'

You open your mouth to say Geez, it's only Def Leppard for goodness' sake, get a grip and stop taking yourself so seriously Hanni, but before you can get the first word out, Hannibal has taken a razor-sharp stiletto from underneath his pillow and slit your throat from side to side. 

Will cries out and reaches for your throat to hold the wound together, to stop your blood that pours out onto the bedsheets.

Your vision goes blurry, but you think that you see Hannibal slashing again, and embracing Will as blood blossoms between them. And then it all goes dark.

THE you want to try again?

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