Chapter 33

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Bedelia is beautiful: cool, queenly, and yet vulnerable. Her eyes, unguarded, speak volumes. And her body is soft and sensuous. 

You pull her down on the bed with you and within moments you are naked together, on top of the cheap bedspread. Her skin is like satin; her curves subtle and yet womanly. The two of you explore one another with your hands and your mouths, for hours. She brings you to climax again and again—and you do the same to her. When she comes, she is gloriously unbound, both strong and tender. It is the most intimate you have ever been with anyone.

Late in the night, or more likely early in the morning, with your sweaty limbs intertwined, you brush back her damp hair from her forehead and kiss both her eyelids. 'Bedelia,' you murmur, 'was it a sex thing? With you and Hannibal?'

She takes your face in her hands and kisses you deeply. 'It was many things,' she says slowly. 'One day, perhaps, I will explain it all to you. One day I will explain it to myself.'

'I was going to...'

'I know,' she says. 'I can't blame you. And both of us are still under Hannibal's control, right now. We wil run and run. We will forever be trying to evade his grasp. Possibly for the rest of our lives. We may escape death at his hands, but we will never truly escape him.'

You take her hand in yours, and kiss the centre of her palm. 'But we will be together,' you say.

'Yes,' she says. But for a fraction of a second, you see naked fear in her eyes.

It's too late now: your fates are inextricably bound. But you wonder when you will ever discover the truth about what happened between Bedelia DuMaurier and Hannibal Lecter. 

THE END...want to make another choice?

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