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"Get up, you're going to school."
I groaned in protest, really wanting to stay in bed for the next three hours. Mingyu and I had spent the past night in late cuddles and heated kisses, draining all the energy I had. As soon as I got home, I had taken a quick shower and gotten ready for bed.
But, for whatever reason, my father decided to interrupt my peace and very much-needed sleep.
"Please, let me stay home," I begged.
My father tsked and flipped the lights on and off a couple of times, urging me to get up. "You've missed enough," he argued, "don't set yourself a bad reputation."
Scoffing, I sat up and waved him off. He shook his head and left my room, closing the door.
In all honesty, I was quite envious of some people that had those parents that woke them up with sweetness laced their tones and a glass of orange juice in their hands. Like Mingyu's mother, she seems like the type to wake him up by saying, "Wake up, honey."
I'm not jealous, though, like it doesn't hurt me. Because I'm 17, so why would it matter? I don't need a careful parent. It's whatever.
Shaking everything from my head, I got up and looked in the mirror. My face had somewhat (barely) puffed up from the sodium-loaded noodles I had been forced to eat the previous night. I sighed and rolled my eyes, blaming Mingyu for it. I know he's just caring, but every small detail takes a toll on me.
I pulled my sweatpants off and took some light-colored, ripped jeans from my closet to put them on. I discarded my sleeping shirt in trade for a thin, maroon t-shirt that hung to right above mid-thigh. Choosing a random pair, I slipped on some random black converse and rolled up the ends of my jeans.
When I was satisfied with whatever I had thrown together, I shuffled groggily out of my room and down the stairs where my dad had, surprisingly, made a simple piece of peanut butter toast. He was placing it on a small plate when I sat down at the kitchen table, noticing a glass of water already placed on the table. He turned around and barely acknowledged my presence, other than setting the plate in front of me. I was really shocked, to be honest.
"W- What's this for?" I mumbled.
The tall pressed another piece of bread into the toaster then turned to me. "Thought it'd help with focus in school," he explained. "Water gets the mind going, I think it helps your blood flow."
I smiled at I think. I picked up the piece of toast and took a small bite, easily liking the taste. Considering my dad was in a good mood, I felt myself start to blush at the fact that I was completely gay and he doesn't know. I had told Mingyu that I would come out to my father, but it's much easier said than done. I set the toast down and anxiously rubbed my palms against my clothed thighs.
"Um, hey- Dad?"
When he didn't turn to face me, I practically thanked my life because I knew I wouldn't be able to meet his eyes anyway. He simply hummed in response as he scrolled through something on his phone.
Already feeling stressed out, I struggled to find the right words. "We should- We should really talk when I get back if you're okay with that. So I need you to be home when I get home."
Normally, my father being home first is a death wish. But, today, it isn't. Maybe.
"I'll even finish my chores before we talk, if that's what you want."
My father set his phone down and turned to me, shifting uncomfortably. The small action made me take a quite large bite of the toast so I wouldn't let out any verbal curses.
He raised an eyebrow at me. "What do we need to talk about?"
"That's for when we talk about it."
"Look," he sighed, "you know I don't normally get off from work early." He pursed his lips and leaned back against the counter, obviously uncomfortable. "So if it's one of those talks, it should probably wait."
It took me a while to catch on to what he meant by one of those talks, so I was pondering for a while. But when I caught on, my eyes went wide and I cringed.
"No! Oh, my God, no, not at all," I panicked. "It isn't about that, and it never will be."
My father chuckled and turned back to take the toast that had recently popped out. "We never really had that talk, so-"
"And we never will." I took another bite of my breakfast, trying to shake off the thought of ever having the infamous 'talk' with my father. He'd find some way to make it awkward.
I finished off the rest of the toast, then practically choked while trying to drink my water so I could quickly get out of the tension-filled room. When I was finished, ran upstairs to brush my teeth and get my phone and my backpack. I skipped back down the stairs, already opening my phone to some texts from Mingyu.
While I was reading them, I started to open the door until I was stopped by none other than my dad.
"I'll be here when you get here so we can talk," he noted, putting extra tense on the last word.
I grimaced and bid him goodbye, leaving the house with the cringe in the back of my mind.

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