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School? Still, hate it.
"You don't look so good."
I looked over at the short boy, his bright red hair bouncing as he skipped next to me. I scoffed.
"Thanks, Soonyoung," I snapped, "you look nice, too."
He shrugged. "Just saying."
"I was in the hospital for two days. I think o have the right to look terrible."
Furrowed eyebrows, the boy put his hand on my upper arm. "Are you okay? Did Mingyu hit you?" He stood on his tiptoes. "Where the fuck-"
"Mingyu didn't hit me, Soonyoung." I sighed. "He's a good guy, you know that. I was in for a panic attack."
He crossed his arms. "And who made you panic?"
"Myself," I stated plainly.
I sat down at the lunch table, where Seungkwan and Joshua were already arguing. I asked them to sit at a different table without explanation. Truth is, I didn't want to see Mingyu.
"Butterflies are clearly prettier than dragonflies," Seungkwan grumbled. "You're insane."
Joshua scoffed. "Dragonflies are underrated, okay? They're gorgeous. Do you know where they migrate to?"
"Icy waters. They stay under ice until spring, then they emerge as beautiful adults." Joshua seemed offended. "And what do butterflies do? They lazily hang in a cocoon."
"They have to build that cocoon!"
Obviously irritated, Joshua looked over to me. "What do you think? Are dragonflies are butterflies superior?"
I shrugged as if it weren't even up for debate. "Are you insane? Dragonflies."
Joshua smirked and gave a small told you so look to Seungkwan, then picked up a French fry with the cocky look still on his face.
Grumbling, Seungkwan shrugged it off. "It's a matter of opinion."
I smiled at them and took a sip from my water bottle. I hadn't started eating, and I wonder if it's because I've grown so accustomed to having Mingyu telling me to eat. Is that bad? It's like he has to remind me to eat.
"What's up with you and Mingyu?"
Looking up, I met eyes with Seokmin. His eyes were full of want, but not in that way. He just looked like he was trying to start trouble - so I responded kindly.
"Uh, he just did something that I didn't like," I explained. "He understands that we need to take a small break."
Seokmin nodded, smirking to himself. "I saw how quickly you two were moving. How long have you been at this school?"
I gulped. "A few months, maybe?"
"And you've been in the hospital twice, already?" He crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "What else has gone on since you've been here?"
Pursing my lips, I realized how unnecessarily out-of-control he was getting. "I don't think it's your responsibility to be asking me about my life. Have I done something to offend you?"
Seokmin shrugged nonchalantly. "Not necessarily," he mumbled. "I just think it's strange. You're so problem-prone."
I glared at him for a fraction of a second, not wanting to start anything, then looked over at Soonyoung. He seemed to be shaken, just as I was, because he had no idea why Seokmin was being like that.
Letting out a breath, I put on a fake but genuine smile. "Where's your boyfriend?"
Soonyoung blushed. "He isn't my- He, um- He's somewhere." The tips of his ears turned red, making him look more like a cute little elf than he already did. "I haven't seen him since this morning in first."
I nodded. "Text him."
The blushing boy shrugged and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Why should I?" he protested. "You're all gonna embarrass me."
"I wanna meet him more properly," I explained. In all honesty, I was just trying to keep the subject off of Mingyu at all times.
Soonyoung rapped a few times on his phone, then typed a message, the clicky noises annoying me. I keep mine off. He looked up, a small smile on his face.
"I told him to come to our table," he said. "He should be here in a few-"
I looked up, seeing Jihoon standing behind Soonyoung's chair. He gave a genuine smile, while Soonyoung blushed at the action. He leaned down and kissed Soonyoung on the top of the head, making Joshua, Seungkwan, and me all swoon.
"Hey," I greeted. "Why don't you sit down?" I scooted over, giving him a seat next to Soonyoung.
"Thanks," he mumbled. He sat down. "Why aren't you guys over there with the others?"
I cleared my throat. "We just aren't," I whispered. "Just back to our normal table."
Soonyoung blushed. "It's probably better that we aren't over there," he mentioned. "You and Seungcheol almost ripped each other's faces off."
The small boy scoffed. "Yeah, how is he? Still playing?"
"No," Joshua let out. A sudden red tint popped up onto his cheeks, as he now had the attention of the whole table. "Are you open-minded?"
"Yeah, I guess."
Joshua shrugged. "Then it shouldn't be that hard to understand. It's a love triangle, and he's a great guy. He loves Jeonghan and me very much. You should look into it more before saying something about it, please."
Everyone at the table, except for Jihoon, understood that Joshua meant no harm. He's the most soft-spoken person I know. But he could also bite your hand off in three seconds, I'm sure.
"I'm sorry," Jihoon mumbled, surprising me. "I apologize for any comments I've made around you and your boyfriends."
Nodding, Joshua focused his attention back on Jihoon alone instead of what he was saying.
"Anyway," the small boy continued, "I was hoping I'd get to meet you all properly, too. That was a rocky first impression, and I'm sorry about that."
Seungkwan smiled. "You seem like a nice guy. You should marry Soonyoung."
The said boy blushed deeply and his face in his hands. "Fuck you all," he mumbled. "I knew I shouldn't have texted him to come over here."
Jihoon smiled and wrapped his arm around Soonyoung's waist. "I need to talk to you later, anyway, so it was good that I came over here."
"Wanna just talk about it now?"
The smaller boy shook his head. "Not here," he whispered. "I was talking about the fact that I came over here to tell you that we need to talk later."
"Is it bad?" Soonyoung pushed, frowning. "What happened?"
Jihoon shook his head again. "No, it isn't bad. Be patient."
The frown remained on Soonyoung's face as he started to bounce his knee in anxiety. You could see how stressed out he was just because he didn't know what he was going to be told. It was kind of funny - I rarely see him stressed out.
He ran a hand through his hair, standing up from the table. "I wanna know now."
Jihoon smiled. He stood up and took the redhead's hand, leading him out of the cafeteria.
Seungkwan poked his bottom lip out. "That was cute as shit."
"I want that," Joshua mumbled.
That's the problem. I have that.

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