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warning: vulgar remarks.

mingyu's pov.

"Mingyu, please pay attention."
My head snapped up from my hands, sighing when I met eyes with the teacher. It was only third period, and all I wanted to do was get out of this hell hole and see Wonwoo.
Nodding in apology, I tried to keep my mind on whatever the teacher was saying.
"We can feel the emotion that the main character was trying to express. He feels lost, he feels scared. He wants to find his mother again, he wants to go back to his hometown. Your next assignment is to read chapters fifteen through seventeen-"
My phone buzzed.
I slowly reached down to pull the device out of my backpack, keeping my eyes on the teacher. She was turned towards the marker board, writing our assignment down. I took the chance and got my phone out, keeping it steadily behind the kid in front of me.

don't tell soonyoung.

I smiled and shook my head, getting even more excited to see the boy later on.

i wont, don't worry.
give me your number,
i'm tired of texting you
on instagram.

won.oo: whatever.

Wonwoo texted me his number, and I put it in my contacts under "won💫". When I was done, I put my phone back in my backpack to make sure I didn't get caught and put in detention.
After a few more minutes of hell, the bell rang for the next class. I really just want the school hours of school to be over.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed and got up, getting to my next class as quickly as possible.


At lunch, the boys at my table talked casually like they always did. We've all been friends since the fifth grade. It's a wonder, we never got separated. I'm grateful for it, though, I love these guys. You know?
"Hey, Mingyu."
Looking up from the table, I met eyes with Seungcheol. The other two were looking at me, as well.
The boy put his arm around Jeonghan's shoulder. "You good?" he asked.
Pursing my lips, I folded my hands on the table. "I'm fine." I bit the inside of my cheek, an old nervous habit. "I've just got something on my mind."
Hansol scoffed, and I looked up at him.
"What?" I accused.
"Something or someone?" he teased. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his fist. "I bet you found someone, huh?"
I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm not like that. I don't date."
"You play," Seungcheol pitched in.
"Shut up, Coups, you know I don't." I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. I kind of set a reputation for myself at this school, the bad boy/player type. I don't like it because I'm not like that. I just put that up because of my self-esteem, but I'm better now.
Jeonghan leaned his head on Seungcheol's shoulder. "You two should lay off of him," he scolded. "If he wants to date, then let him. It isn't anyone else's business, and the situation doesn't need your input."
I smiled at Jeonghan, mouthing a thank you to him.
As Hansol began to talk again, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could turn around to see who it was, the person pulled me up by my forearm. The person proceeded to pull me out of the cafeteria and into the hallway.
Once in the hallway, I got a clear view of who the person was. Short stack with bright red hair. Soonyoung, I think?
"Where is Wonwoo?" he asked me.
I leaned back against the wall. "Why the hell would I know?"
"Because you two hung out yesterday." The small boy crossed his arms. "Did you do something to him? I'll kill you if you-"
"Relax, sour patch kid." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why do you think I did something to him? I'm not a bad guy."
Soonyoung squinted his eyes at me. "You? Not a bad guy? Really?"
I sighed and shook my head. "Believe it or not."
"Look," the boy said, "I just want to know where he is. Do you have any idea where he could be?"
Looking down at the floor, I pursed my lips. Then I scoffed and looked back up. "No," I told him. "I don't know where he is."
The boy nodded and glared at me once more, then spun on his heel.
I smirked. "See you around, jalapeño."
As the boy walked through the doors of the cafeteria, I sighed and sat against the wall. I put my face in my hands, really just wanting to leave. I pursed my lips and took out my phone.

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