
461 18 0

warning: abuse.

Hey. Guess the fuck what. Mingyu is in all of my classes expect for one of them. He's in my first, second, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh. I even saw him during free period, his locker isn't very far from mine. I was standing at my locker and talking to Soonyoung and the others, and I noticed him looking at me. Of course.
What's his problem? He doesn't like me, that's impossible. I'm the new kid, he doesn't even know anything about me. Umm. Why would anyone like me anyways? Really, I'm not interesting. I'm that kid that reads all day and/or watches The Office season 7 three times a month. You know?
Anyway. Really, I wanna know why the universe decided to put him in so many of my classes- He's so hot, I can't focus. I'm always thinking of him. Prime example: Right now. I'm thinking of him right now, while walking home.
Opening the door of my house, I wasn't surprised to find that no one was home. Sometimes, my dad works late, and that's understandable. He comes home right after. But when he gets let out early, he goes to his favorite bar. Alone. Sometimes he picks up some thicC ones, sometimes he doesn't. (such crAck i'm sorry-)
But what I do know is that he wants things done by the time he gets home. And it's my job to make sure those things get done. Unfortunately.
Sighing as I took of my backpack, I put my phone in my back pocket. I had exchanged numbers with all the guys, promising to text them tonight. If not, Seungkwan said he would personally come to my house and text himself on my phone. He's one of a kind.
I'm barely ever on my phone. I always have my nose in a book. I feel at ease when I'm reading, it's a weird feeling. It's like I can put myself in the place of the characters and experience what they're going through. While doing that, I realize that there are so many different levels of every feeling. Pain, sadness, anger, love. So many different levels and experiences.
Clearing my mind, I pursed my lips and looked around, seeing what could be cleaned. I sighed as I noticed two empty beer cans sitting on the coffee table in the living room. Walking into the room, and leaned over and picked up the cans, squishing them to my content, and throwing them away in the trash can in the kitchen. I grabbed a rag out of a drawer and wet it with water, then wiped off the coffee table, trying my best to make the glass sparkle through the beer and alcohol stains.
When I was done wiping down the table, I put the rag in the sink and started on my other chores. Washing the few dishes that were in the sink, sweeping & briefly mopping the floor, wiping down the windows that needed it, making my own and my father's bed, putting our laundry on, and making dinner. Seems like a lot, kind of, but it isn't anymore. I've gotten used to that routine, and I always do it the same way. I don't really like change. That's another problem with moving.
Actually, my day today was pretty good. I made "friends" and fell head over heels, both literally and figuratively. Fantastic.
Sighing, I went upstairs to my room and laid in my bed. I pulled the covers up to my waist and took my phone out of my pocket, realizing that it had actually been blowing up with text messages in a group chat that someone added me to. I hate group chats.

everyone get their asses
in here.

i'm busy with homework
and vocal lessons.

you guys need to chill
and help me find a way
to stalk hansol's
instagram without
accidentally liking anything.

you should all be
reading the scriptures

josh, koREA AND THE

i don't think he undersTandS


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