"Oh ok."

"Now," I raised my arm with the knife,"Pay close attention so that you can copy me." He gave me another nod before I looked away from him and to the target,which was a small thin tree.I never understood why but throwing knives always felt so much easier than using guns or crossbows.With a glare on my face ,which always happened whenever I aimed, I threw the knife without hesitation. I could feel Carl's curious eyes on me but I could also tell that Shane was paying extra close attention.He's still doubting my abilities even after showing off my gun skills,what a surprise.The second after my knife lodged itself into the tree I moved out of the way and behind Carl as he swung his arm back,"Your turn."

He wasted no time in trying his hardest to copy my movement,as I watched him I could tell he already had natural talent for throwing.Maybe it was how good he was at learning by watching, but as he let go of the knife the aim wasn't the issue.Rather it was that the handle of the knife is what struck the tree so it just fell back to the ground,even so.He's pretty good at this,nice going Carl. I felt him suddenly hug me,"Did you see that! I know it didn't go in like yours but I did it!"

"Your a natural Carl, just a bit more practice to get the knife to stay and you can easily start learning to use a gun with Shane.Later I'll show you how to do hand to hand combat,and maybe some other ways to kill walkers since you're at a height disadvantage."

He looked up at me with his chin against my chest,"Can't you show me to shoot a gun,why does it have to be Shane?"

Ignored everything after Shane is mentioned,Carl you're adorable.

I laughed at this,"We told your mom it'd be Shane, she seems to trust him showing you more than me. Plus I don't know how to teach when it comes to shooting,I would probably just tell you ti aim and keep shooting until you hit a bottle."He let out another laugh thinking I was just joking,I wasn't.Still though I don't know why Lori would prefer Shane, she hates him....Or maybe she doesn't? Does Lori still like him? Is that why she is more of an asshole to him that me? That would explain a lot actually.

"Can it be at least both of you?"

I shrugged at his question,"Sounds good to me,I wanna make fun of how he teaches you anyway,it's fun making him angry."

Carl just started laughing at the thought of me making fun of Shane only for it to lead to us bickering.I didn't realize it but Carl liked the idea of me and Shane being a couple so that we could be like second parents to him.

Not what I meant to cause...



After letting Shane,Rick and Lori "review" my ability to teach Carl ,though I didnt really do anything he just has to throw a knife and have good aim, Shane and Rick then told Carl it was time to learn how to shoot a gun.I stood away from the others with Carl as we waited for Shane to go get a suitable gun for him. Lori was watching the others shoot and I could only imagine she was thinking of the worst situation when concerning Carl holding a gun.Seeing we had some time Carl grabbed my hand to get my attention,"Hey Y/N?"

With a raised eyebrow I looked at him,"Yes?"

"Would you ever be a housewife?" I almost bursted out laughing at the sudden question,but I managed to contain it.I don't hate the thought of being a housewife and I don't think it's wrong to be one,but after being in the military for so long,being violent since a kid, and being knowledgable of the world and weapons.I just cant be that housewife anymore,I'd be a danger stuck at home.

"I think it'd be safer to myself and others if I wasn't,"he looked up at me confused. Dammit he wants an explanation,what kind of explanation can someone so young understand. Well not that young,plus he's been shot at..With a sigh I spoke,"I'm too much of a dangerous person Carl, the military makes little changes to the person you are,everyone knows that.But, being in battle completely changes you, sometimes my reactions to..events..can be too extreme." I could hear Shane coming back so I quickly looked to Carl who was still looking at me,"Does that make sense?"

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