"Thank you," Jieun whispered, but Yoongi didn't seem to hear. Yoongi already frightened Jieun so much, she had no clue how Yoojung could ever treat him that way.

"So... Did our manager do a good job?" Yoojung asked, placing an arm around Jieun's shoulder as she sat down next to her.

Jieun smiled and nodded. Yoojung was the first person she had ever encountered that made people feel so at ease so immediately. Adding on the fact that Yoojung had gone through the exact same thing she was going through, it almost felt as if she had known Yoojung for years, even though they'd only just met two hours ago.

"Seokjin told me about the cliques..." Jieun remembered what a high-achiever Yoojung was and fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat. "And now that he told me about you guys, I don't think I'm worthy of joining the F4."

"Girl," Yoojung laughed. "There you are. Why do you have no self-confidence? Do you even know how gorgeous you are? Let me tell you - just now when you were speaking in front of the crowd, I was so impressed! And on the way back to class with the boys, you don't know how many compliments I heard from the people I walked past!"

"Yeah, I can vouch for that!" Taehyung piped in, not looking up from his phone. He tapped aggressively at the screen, and Jieun knew at one glance that he was playing some war-related game.

"Really?" Jieun mumbled quietly.

Yoojung smiled.

"Trust me, I am Choi Yoojung afterall. I have a good eye for people. Anyway, do you know everyone in class already?"

Jieun shook her head. In fact, she didn't know anyone in class other than the four people she had ate lunch with earlier.

"We gotta introduce them to you then!" Yoojung exclaimed, leaping up from her seat and pulling Jieun up with her. She linked her arm around Jieun's arm and dragged a confused Jieun to the front of the class.

It was just the block after lunchtime, ten minutes before the teacher came in for lesson. All the students were already back in class - the geeks were doing their own homework with their faces buried in their books; the goddesses were touching up their make-up with mini handheld mirrors, the jocks were sitting on tables, chatting and laughing; the popular kids were all sleeping or doing their own things. Those people who didn't belong to any clique, like Seokjin, were just hovering around, checking in on what others were doing. The different cliques hardly interacted with each other, and from the front it was now clear to Jieun who belonged to which clique.

"The first row belongs to the geeks, the smartest kids in Gangnam High." Yoojung whispered and Jieun looked up to see a row of 6 kids, all wearing glasses, all neatly clad. They were indeed like what Seokjin had mentioned earlier. "Hwang Minhyun, the handsome guy in the front row, top in Biology and Chemistry - a pretty nice guy, helpful if you need study tips but don't disturb him if you don't need to. Kim Sejeong, the one with the bun next to him, top in Mathematics and Physics - she gets close to full marks on every examination, it's impossible to beat her. Beside her, Kim Jisoo, the one smiling even when she's studying, top in Korean Language & Literature - seemingly the most friendly amongst all, but don't underestimate her talent. Last but not least, Ahn Heeyeon, the girl with huge eyes, top in English Literature and Philosophy - insanely logical girl, don't ever get into an argument with her because you're sure to lose. Unless you're me, that is."

Jieun laughed, but then she recalled what Seokjin had said about Yoojung winning top prizes in speech competitions and shut up immediately.

"Next, the so-called goddess clique you have to be insanely aware of," Yoojung rolled her eyes. "Jennie Kim - urgh. The small-sized girl putting on mascara right now - leader and worst of them all. She was the one who gave me all these battlescars." Yoojung shuddered. "Kim Doyeon... the tallest one, I guess she's pretty fine, just that she's mixing with the wrong company. Kim Yongsun and Park Chaeyoung... they just follow Jennie's instructions too much. Just don't mess with them, or you'll end up like me."

At that moment, Jennie, who was looking into the mirror, happened to look in their direction. Upon making eye contact with Yoojung, they both scowled at each other for a few seconds, before looking away.

There must be some serious hatred between them.

"The jocks, the cool kids of our class," Yoojung continued with a smile, after finishing with the 'goddess' clique she hated so much. "Jung Hoseok - the one with the adorable dimples and razor-sharp jawline. Dance king, lovely guy, super funny. He dances with Jimin often so they're close. He's really, really cool. Kim Chungha, the girl with shimmery make-up - dance queen, super cool as well, unexpectedly close to Hoseok because they both love dancing so much. She's super nice, go talk to her. Jackson Wang, Hong Kong guy! He's funny, he's also Mr Kim's favourite student, for some reason."

Yoojung took a deep breath, before continuing. "Kang Daniel, the guy with the brown hair over there, holding the basketball. Another really popular kid who's not in F4. He's a basketballer and people go crazy when he takes off his shirt because... well, he's ripped. Next to him is Lisa, the tall skinny girl with blonde hair. Ah, yes. Lisa's totally cool. Lastly, talking to Lisa now is Ong Seongwoo. Super animated guy, his facial expressions are priceless. He's into soccer!"

Jieun took in the names one by one, trying to remember all of them.

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