"Where's your sister?"

"I convinced her to go bedroom furniture shopping for me." I laugh at his response. Another thing that I have discovered about Nathaniel is that he has no taste or patience whatsoever for design and decoration. In the few days his sister has been here she's managed to redecorate half his apartment. It's coming off nicely, to be honest.

"I, uhm, have something to ask you...about us."

"What is it?"

"I know that as far as the university goes this is, well, forbidden." I try to say the words as calm as possible, but my heart is beating a mile per minute. I can see Nathaniel slightly flinching too. "And I like to keep my life as private as possible. But, I was wondering if you'd have any problem if I told someone about us." 

Wait, no –that didn't come out right.


"Yes, like a friend. Abigail has been asking questions, and I'm not sure how much longer I can lie to her." A soft v forms between his eyebrows, his signature look when he is deep in thought.

"I don't know, Alex. Don't you think that would be risky?"

"She's my best friend, I trust her." I know that if I were to tell her, Abigail wouldn't go around campus blowing the whistle. 

"Yes, but she's also my student. It'd be unprofessional and awkward if she knew." Damn. I guess I hadn't thought of that. 

Giving it a little more thought, I'm not sure if I can imagine Abigail keeping it together in class if she knew about us.

"You're right. Forget I even asked." I shake my head dismissively, realizing just how complicated us dating truly is.

Dating? I think this hardly applies as that.

I don't even know what this is.

All I know is that it makes me feel more...present.


Contrary to what I assumed, Nathaniel does cook very well. The lasagna tastes as good as any restaurant's. One more point to his favor.

Not that he needs any help.

"So, what do you want to know?" He suddenly asks while refilling my second glass of red wine. I look at him confused. "About me. That doesn't involve superheroes." I giggle.

"Let's see." I'm thrilled at the promise of more information. "What food could you not live without?"

He chuckles before replying with puerile enthusiasm, "Bacon! Or jam on toast."


"Also pancakes."

"So basically, breakfast for kids."

"You really know how to hurt someone feelings, Ms. Saunders."

"It comes natural." He smiles, and it's one so bright, so candid, that it's hard not to match it –hard not to get lost in it.

"Favorite writer?" I continue.

"Ah, tough one." He lies back on his chair, his hand brushing against his chin. It takes him way longer than I expected to answer.

"Come on, you teach English."

"Exactly." His brow furrows, surely thinking of all the books he's read.

While he goes through his list in silence, I find myself observing his features more attentively.

His stubble looks a bit thicker than usual, and there's something about it that makes him look more...mysterious, alluring. I don't think I'll ever get over how green his eyes are, and my personal favorite, his dark blond hair. 

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