Rascal darted into the cave before she had even reached for her sword, sniffing out the hiding skeleton. The mob immediately retreated, but it was no use. Rascal leapt up at the skeleton, clasping his strong jaw around one of the mob's ribs. Minutes later, it was nothing but a pile of bones. He trotted back to Petra, earning a rewarding pat.

She heaved her heavy backpack off, dropping it down onto the ground, before taking out some unlit torches and lighting them. Rascal sat down beside the backpack, watching as Petra slowly walked the inside perimeter of the cave, placing torches on the walls to keep anything else from spawning.

Petra came walking back to Rascal, taking out some planks which she placed over the entrance so no mobs could get inside.

Usually once they have secured an area for the night, Petra would continue setting up camp, before going through all her tools and making sure which she needed to repair before the next day came.

That evening however, as soon as the entrance was covered up, Petra slumped down beside Rascal, sounding slightly out of breath. She broke into a few weak coughs, clutching her heaving chest as she did.

Rascal whined in concern, walking up to Petra and gave her pale face an affectionate lick. Petra smiled at him faintly, reaching up her hand and stroking his ears.

"Hey boy. Seems I've come down with a cold, huh?" She said to him, her voice barely audible.

Rascal didn't understand the words Petra spoke, but he knew she was addressing him. He tilted his head to the side, his tail giving an enthusiastic wag as he tried to encourage Petra to get up and go about her usual routine.

After five more minutes of simply sitting against the wall with her eyes closed, and another small coughing fit, Petra got up. She opened up her backpack, getting out some more wood and her flint and steel to light a small campfire. Rascal immediately took a spot beside the flames, sighing contentedly as he felt the heat start to warm him up.

Petra left the fire, going back to her backpack and getting out some different clothes to swap out with her soaked ones. When she was done, she got out her sloppily-made sheep wool blanket, which served as a sleeping bag, dropping it beside the fireplace as well.

For a second, Rascal thought she was about to completely skip over dinner and just go to sleep. But then Petra took out some of the chicken that she and Rascal had killed earlier that day. What puzzled Rascal, was that she only took out one portion of food.

Petra sat back down beside the campfire, starting to scrape the feathers off the animal, and cleaning it up in general. As she normally would do, she slowly cooked it over the flames of the fire, the cave soon starting to fill with a meaty smell that Rascal absolutely adored.

Petra finished cooking the chicken, turning it around a few times as she examined it. Then, much to his surprise and delight, she tossed it towards Rascal.

His tail quickly stopped wagging when she got up, sitting back down on her make-shift bed. Wasn't she going to eat?

Rascal daintily picked up the food, carrying it over to Petra, and putting it beside her bed. He pushed it an inch closer to her with his nose.

"No boy, it's yours." Petra replied, nudging the piece of meat back towards him. "I'm not hungry tonight."

Rascal whined softly, not understanding why Petra didn't want the food. He watched as she lay down on the wool blanket, closing her eyes.

There was no denying it, Rascal was hungry after their day's journey. He slowly began eating the chicken, finishing off all the meat until there was only a small pile of bones left. When he finished, he walked over to Petra, slipping in underneath her left arm like he would any other night.

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