Chapter two: A Twist

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A few years later...

The road in front of me was as thick as ice. The motorcycle was running out of gas, but that didn't keep me from driving trough the dangerous road.

The trees behind me looked like pencils drowned in sticky green ink. Everything was moving so fast, the air entered my lungs and filled them with an icy touch, yet the sun was shining and the birds were chirping like in any other idyllic spring day.

Driving, driving cleared my mind just as spinning cleared my grandpa's.

While I was driving through the road, I saw weird things. I could bet I saw a blonde girl running after a rabbit.

I gazed upon that scene and it was enough for my eyes to distract themselves from the road. A snow-white carriage appeared out of nowhere.

My hands were shaking as they pulled off the strength of my muscles to drive away from that carriage.

I wasn't fast enough. The motorcycle stopped beneath the pine trees, but the carriage broke like glass, the white horse disappeared in an apace and the beautiful blue dressed girl who was riding it flew, through the air, cutting it into a thousand majestic pieces.

My jaw hit the floor, watching that majestic bird-like figure cutting the atmosphere. She fell above a sea of hyacinths, and the perfume of these flowers gasped the air.

I ran after the girl. Who was she? Was she hurt? My mind raced in sweat as questions clouded my brain.

I was beyond worried, but then, upon seeing her in the hyacinth field, my mind focused on something else.

The beautiful olive-skin girl had her feet covered in piercing glass. A shining crystal that reflected the sun's rays.

The blue dress, the glass slippers... "Cinderella?!"

My body rushed into hers. I held her majestic silhouette as I lift her from the hyacinth field.

"I'm so sorry I hit you!" I mumbled, terrified. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, the hyacinths made it better...But you scared off Felipe!" she yelled at me. My eyes rolled in surprise, that wasn't a typic Cinderella.

"I meant no harm."

"What were you doing running in that headless horse?"

"I was trying to find my way back home. I am from another realm. Portals they aren't easy to find!"

"Look...Enough! I have somewhere to be too!"

"Yes, how could I forget?!" my face expressed concern as if I were yelling at me for being so ignorant. Why didn't I remember that Cinderella needed to go to the ball? "You have a prince to find!"

"Yes I do..." she confirmed, as she pulled her curly hair back and forwards, shaking the grass out of it. Her eyes stood still as she gazed upon me. If I weren't "me" I would think she was checking up on me...But I have always been the nerdy type...Even though I filled a few pounds and muscles ever since my latest adventures fighting in the Agrabah desert alongside a prince who I befriended.

"Look, I can take you in my motorcycle!"

"You want me to go on that thing?" she asked, staring at the "headless mechanic construction."

"Yeah!" my jovial exclamation gasped the air with a fresh feeling. "It will be fun! Come with me, let me show you!" the two of us walked to the motorcycle. "Here you squeeze for gas, in here for breaks..."

"There is a lot of squeezing!" she laughed.

"Yeah. Hop in and I'll show you!"

The blue dressed girl sat behind me, her olive sweaty palms pressed my belly. My whole body seemed like an explosion of electric jolts. As her hyacinth perfumed hair rolled into my back.

Focus! I screamed at me. That girl was indeed precious, but she wasn't for me. She had a prince to marry. And I would hate myself if she didn't marry him and saved herself from her cruel slavery life.

"Ok, see, not that difficult!" I contested, showing her the "moves" once again.

"Yeah...I see." "But there is something else that intrigues me... You said that I had a prince to find...How do you know that?".

"Well...The dress and the slippers hit me... Plus everyone knows your story. You are kind of legendary!"

She smirked, intrigued with my strangeness as if she found it "hot".

"My story? That is ridiculous, I'm just a girl playing princess for one night. Trying to find a prince that I loved since childhood, but hardly with hopes that he will recognize me."

"Oh! So you met the prince before?"

"Yes. We were in love. Back when things were less difficult. But then, short story, I was held captive by a cruel stepmother, and..."

"Yeah, as I said, I know the story. But I also know how it ends, you and the prince get back together. And trust me, I don't think he would ever forget someone like you..." I responded to her, as my eyes melted into hers.

Cinderella held herself back, but I could see she was trembling even though her hands were sweaty.


I could see she was uncomfortable, so I tried to rationalize that "flirty" moment away.

"I just know because I met a prince before, my best friend actually, and he was in love with a common girl but never forgot her. I bet he is trying to find her right as we speak."

"How romantic."

She left me alone on the motorcycle and passed by.

"So you are not letting me take you there?" I was confused because she left.

"Oh, I have a faster way to get there!" she stared upon me, very seriously. Instantly and outrageously out of my mind, I leaned forward as if I was the incarnation of her beloved prince, and a kiss should happen.

She held herself back with discomfort, her fingers pressed hard on a fist and instead of seeing two beautiful lips pressing into mines, all I saw was an iron hand punching me.

I fell on the floor, like rocks falling off a cliff. She sat on the motorcycle and squeezed for gas, just like I taught her.

"Anyway, thanks for the lesson!"

As her image was disappearing through the forest, I laughed. Even though I was punched and my face was covered in literal dirt, I felt joy when that happened. I could see it as a hint of a prophetic love, just like Snow hitting Charming.

I knew she was running after another prince. But in that instant, I felt that that story was going to have one hell of a twist!

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