Episode 22; Bedtime

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"Ooooh, shit bitch!" Talia drops her jaw as soon as she opens the door and I flash her the pregnancy test box. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun while spot treatment dots her face. "Get in here!"

Talia pulls my arm aggressively until I am in her Urban Outfitters decorated apartment. She always had a talent for interior design and it had surprised me when we applied to law school with me.

"Are you sister serious?" She asks me with her jaw still hanging on the floor.

"You watch too much James Charles, but to answer your question... yes I'm sister serious," I make a cringing face and feel my heartbeat race in my chest out of nervousness.

"Are condoms a foreign concept to you and the king of baby making?" Talia asks with widened eyes that pierce my very soul. She was right maybe we needed a reintroduction since I was a fertile queen. Either that or maybe they keep breaking on us since I know for a fact I made Harry wear condoms.

"No, Harry always wears a condom," I rebut sinking down onto Talia's couch where I sigh out loudly and over dramatically. I felt like I was living in a lifetime movie.

"Maybe Harry has a dick from the gods and can penetrate through steel walls," Talia says slumping down next to me giggling at her own humor.

"Don't give him that much credit, his ego doesn't need any more feeding," I giggle along with her and notice she was watching reruns of the office. For a minute it was like old times like we were college students again watching reality tv shows and talking about boys. Those were much simpler times.

"So have you told Harry?" Talia asks me turning her body to face me while I let her couch engulf me.

"No, funny story I blamed the pregnancy test box on you," I arch a brow just as Talia nudges me.

"Madeline, this isn't like the last time! Harry is your fiancé, if your ass is knocked up there's no hiding it," Talia was the voice of reason and I knew she was right. I couldn't hide this from Harry and flat out lie to him. If I was going to marry him I needed to be one hundred and ten percent honest, and that goes for everything.

"I know! Okay, ugh I guess I'm just scared..." I said avoiding eye contact. I hadn't told Talia about Zayn and I but maybe now was as good as ever. Maybe it would relieve some stress over the secret.

"This isn't your first rodeo, you know what to expect this time," she reminds me and I know what she's saying is the truth. I shouldn't be afraid this time but I was. I was in a more stable relationship and everything was okay, well except for the things he didn't know.

"I kissed Zayn!" I blurt out feeling relieved as soon as I heard myself say it out loud. It was out there now.

"You what?!" Talia's jaw drops and her eyes bulge from her head as if I had told her something that was completely unbelievable. If it were a year ago it would have been. It's funny to see how the tables have turned.

"I kissed Zayn,"

"Madeline, what the fuck? What are you doing? Did it go further than kissing? Oh my god is it Zayn's baby? Oh god, do you not know who the baby daddy is agai-" I cut her off after the tailspin she put me in this all her questions.

"No! It was just a kiss," I reassure her watching her slump back and slap a hand over her heart in relief.

"And I'm going to just assume you haven't told Harry for obvious reasons?"

"Yeah..." I hesitate and cringe again when Talia pulls at her face screaming.

"Oh my god, Madeline! What were you thinking?! Oh, that's right, you weren't! Where were your last two brains cells at?" Talia is stressed out for me, taking on my secret that had become one of my biggest burdens.

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