Episode 17; Down the Drain

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"No Dada!"


Harry and Scout sit across each other while Harry tries to bribe her with her favorite puff snacks. Scout's curls bounce as she reaches for the snack Harry has in his hands, failing to get what she wants ultimately.

"Say Dada and it's all yours sis," Harry tries once again earning a grin from Scout while she once again tries to grab the puff away from Harry. Crawling over to him she pulls herself up by pulling down on his shirt.

"Mama!" She squeaks in his face before laughing.

"You are a little troll, just like your mama!" Harry teases tickling Scout's bare belly. She had refused to let either Harry or I put clothes on her today and honestly I decided to pick my battles when it came to Scout.

She opted for a diaper and little pink headband to help tame her crazy curls. She desperately tries to grab the food from Harry but gets frustrated when she can't reach what she wanted.

"Mama! Mama!" She whines to me as I finished cleaning the dishes. I drain the sink and dry my hands hearing a clinking sound coming from the disposal.

Furrowing my brow I put the hand towel down and look at my bare hand. It sounded as though a rock was being crushed and bounced around in the disposal.

My soul begins to sweat profusely when I realize that, that isn't just a rock.

"What was that?" Harry questions rolling over to face me as Scout continues to climb on Harry.

"Oh umm, I think a spoon got stuck in the disposal," I tell him reaching my arm into the drain to see if I can somehow manage to grab my ring.

"Mama!" Scout screams in frustration.

"What love bug? Is daddy teasing you?" I ask Scout who gives me an answer in complete nonsense.

"He is so mean to you I know!" I sympathize with her as she babbles rolling all over Harry dramatically. I stretch my fingers out straining them but to no avail do I get my ring.




I swear to myself and I again strain every fiber in my being to reach the ring that had fallen down the drain.

"I'm not mean to my little Scouty girl!" Harry says grabbing Scout and lifting her up above his head and bringing her down to blow raspberries into her exposed tummy. She squeals as Harry lifts her up then back down where he blows air into her tummy making farting sounds that amuse the both of them.

I take advantage of the fact that both Harry and Scout are being entertained by Harry. Thinking on my feet I take a pair of scissors and jam them down the drain hoping to use the scissors as a grabbing device.

I can't lose the ring this easily! Harry had just proposed a few days ago, this couldn't have happened to me.

"Uh, Mads!" My name rings off Harry's accented voice as I scramble and drop the scissors in the sink.

"Yes?" I answer as casually as possible hoping that Harry doesn't find anything suspicious.

"It's your turn for diapers," Harry says as Scout blows one laughing at the sound of her own fart.

"Girl that was the dirtiest fart I have ever heard, that literally sounded like mud," Harry giggles along with Scout who is still suspended in the air by Harry's arms.

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