Episode 13; Watchful Eyes

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"Come here Scout girl!" Harry coaxes Scout with her arms outstretched for her as she giggles and makes small movements to crawl over to him. Her brown curly hair is growing more wild every day, making it harder to tame. Scout big hazel eyes catch the evening sun as it seeps into the apartment.

The fall air was barely noticeable, people always ranted and raved about the season but here in Florida every season was basically the same. It would maybe drop a couple degrees but for the most part, we never got to see the changing of leaves or feel that crisp morning air.

"Can I tell you how much I don't want to go to this dinner?" I ask Harry who is completely entranced with Scout as she made her way over to him slowly but surely.

"Good girl Scouty! Yeah!" Once Scout makes her way to Harry he picks her up and attacks her in kisses and scoops her up in his arms.

"Like on a scale from I would rather have Ebola to going to the party; I honestly would rather have Ebola," I tell Harry as I take Scout from him and lay her down to dress her in her little baby bikini.

"Maybe we can have a little pool time for ourselves, if you are catching what I'm throwing," Harry winks nudging me as I desperately try to dress Scout. Now that she knew how to move around she would always try to roll over when I attempted to change or dress her.

"Homeboy, I think you are missing the point that this is a family pool party. Not that that doesn't sound appealing, trust me I'm hard just thinking about it but I don't think that's going to happen with my family around," I respond groaning as Scout becomes more and more difficult to dress as I try to hold her down while she kicks at me and whines to be let go.

"I'm sure we can get some alone time after hours," Harry winks coming up behind me to whisper in my ear. A smile ignites on my lips as he brushes his lips against my ear and sends chills down my neck.

"Yeah okay Jan," I respond laughing as I stand up Scout and admire her little pale pink bikini she wore. I had also managed to pull her unruly curls into a little ponytail at the top of her head with a scrunchy.

"Okay tell me she isn't the cutest baby! Look at her! She is literally such a little queen!" I gush holding Scout under her arms to keep her upright as she bounces herself and looks at me with those big hazel eyes.

"Her baby bikini!" Harry indulges as we both shower Scout in compliments just to see her toothy grin painted on her face. Her tiny front teeth had finally broken through the gums and were now visible in her smile.

"I am 99.9 percent confident we make the cutest babies. Hands down no one can try to complete with us, it's not even close," I say to Harry standing up and adjusting Scout on my hip while also grabbing the diaper bag full of the essentials.

"We are pretty good at making babies, plus I don't mind the process either," Harry says as I roll my eyes playfully and nudge him as we walk out the door.


"Look who decided to show up!" My dad engulfs me in a hug embracing me tightly until I let out a cough.

"Hey, Papi!" I greet pulling away from him just to feel a pair of hands push me backward. I let out a scream when I free fall straight into the water. My body slams against the pool surface until I am completely submerged into the chlorine polluted water.

Swimming to the top of the pool I peel my eyes open to see everyone hovering over the pool laughing over my gritted teeth and annoyed expression. Even though I was in a swimsuit I wasn't really down to actually get all wet. Especially my hair, I had washed it that same day and now it was drenched in pool water.

"Asshats!" I swear slapping the water like some four year old as I swim towards the latter in the deep end.

"Language!" My mom says in her thick Latina accent as I get out of the water and see Cody holding Scout laughing at my makeup that was bleeding down my face.

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