Episode 6; Organic Health Kick

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"I wonder how people get to this point ya know? I mean your full-time job would have to be eating!" I say to Scout as we both are perched up on the couch. Sticking my hand into a bag of Cheetos I watch My 600 Pound Life.

I shake my head and lick the Cheeto dust off my fingers as Scout looks over at me with her crystal gray eyes. Today was laundry day for me which meant while we waited for the next load of clothing to get dry we caught up on our guilty pleasures.

"Watch her transformation be life changing though! I am ready for this life altering glo up!" I cheer shoving a few chips into my mouth that I really shouldn't be eating. You would think by watching a show like this I wouldn't be eating the way I am, yet here I am with my family-sized bag of Cheetos.

I look over to see Scout eyeing my Cheetos with parted lips as a little drool runs down her lips. Her little features entranced by the orange chip as she sucks her thumb intensely.

"I promise you, babe, these are not worth it." I shake my head as she gurgles to me. She had been recently gurgling and cooing to Harry and I which we melted overhearing her little squeaky voice.

"You know what, I'm going to throw these away! From now on we are going to be a healthy family! No more junk!" I say to Scout tossing the half empty chip bag onto the floor knocking over one of my piles of folded laundry. I huff out and roll my eyes at myself seeing that I was going to have to refold that entire stack I had stupidly knocked over.

Averting my eyes to Scout I see a wide smile spread over her little face. Her cheeks picking up an even rosier pigment as my jaw drops at her glowing smile. She was smiling for the first time!

"Is that so funny?" I ask her as she moves her arms up and down giving me her best toothless grin. I fumble for my phone and try to FaceTime Harry. I didn't want him to miss her first ever smile! The doctor had told us that usually babies reflex smiles went away by 3 to 4 months, which Scout now 4 months making her the prime age.

"Do you want to show Daddy your pretty smile? Huh? It is so pretty! Yes, it is!" I encourage her seeing her eyes light up at the sound of my voice. I wanted to keep her smile lit for as long as possible.

"Madeline I'm at wor-"

"She's smiling for the first time!" I cut him off as soon as he flashes up on the camera. I switch to my backward facing camera to show Scout who was grinning uncontrollably. Harry's demeanor switches dramatically as I show Scout and her rosy smile.

"Oh my god! Hello, my little princess!" Harry gushes as she looks curiously around for the voice that is coming from my phone. Confused by not finding Harry her little eyes search around for him coming up empty handed.

"Where is Daddy? Where did he go?" I ask her setting my phone down momentarily to set Scout into my lap. She grunts a little as I pick my phone back up and face the camera towards the both of us. Harry waves to her as she smiles at him, lighting back up as she moves her arms up and down at his image.

"Look there's daddy! Do you see him?" I ask Scout as she lets out a breathy laugh. Widening eyes I look back at Harry to see he picked up the same reaction as I had. Did she really just laugh for the first time? That was single handily the cutest thing I had ever heard!

"I miss you so much, princess!" Harry talks to Scout as she giggles airily again acquainted with that rosy-cheeked smile. It was then that I had noticed she had acquired Harry's dimples! What the hell this day was getting better and better!

"If official we make the cutest babies! Hands down they don't get much cuter than this!" I gush to Harry as he gives hr camera screen a toothy grin that ignites Scout's little smile.

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