Episode 1; Up All Night

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I lean into Harry and make pouty lips as we both look into the crib where Scout breaths steadily. "She's so peaceful when she's asleep, I wish she was like this all the time."

"It makes it that much harder to go back to work. I'm going to miss her so much!" Harry tilts his head on top of mine as I recollect the fact that Harry had to go back to work. He had gotten paternity leave for 2 weeks and I had soaked up every single minute of it.

I wasn't due to go back for another 12 weeks which gave me peace of mind knowing that I got to spend more time with Scout before it was back to work. I could even imagine leaving Scout alone with anyone right now, I had grown too attached to her.

"I wish you didn't have to go back to work tomorrow!" I huff blowing a strand of hair out of my face but failing. Landing right back where it was before I turn around and see Harry's pouty lips.

"I know but I'm sure you will be fine, plus it gives you more one on one time with Scouty. More time for mother-daughter bonding since we already know she's a daddy's girl. You are going to need all the time you can get!" He ruffled my hair and turns away to walk out the door to which I follow close behind him ready to protest. I close the door gently before running and jumping on Harry from behind.

"Whatever we all know Scout loves me more! I breastfed her for a good 3 weeks! That's gotta get me some brownie points!" I protest to Harry when I jumped on his back and peed a little. I swear whenever I jumped or ran or you know just genuinely stood up a little pee would trickle out.

"Not enough for her to love you as much as she loves me!" He taunts as we reach my family's living room. I climb down from Harry's back and pump myself down into the couch overwhelmed with how tired I was.

I lay long ways on the couch while Harry is situated right side up with my feet in his lap. The Ellen show ran its course making our eyes droop from the sleep deprivation. I hadn't slept all the way through the night since the day we left the hospital which was 3 weeks ago.

"Hey babe," I call to Harry in a muffled voice as I pulled my blanket up over my mouth making my nose stick out.

"Yeah?" Harry mumbles back to me, his head tilting to the right side from the loss of support he is giving his neck. His body is slumped into the couch carelessly making wrinkles in his red Hawaiian printed button up shirt.

"I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it seems to make sense with how much time we spend together," I start off saying babbling from my sleep spell casting over my eyes. More times then not Harry and I talked about big life events and decisions while we were half asleep. This wasn't intentional but whenever I went to close my eyes a pile of things I forgot to do magically appeared. It was almost like my mind didn't want me to sleep!

"Mhmm," Harry responds to new slowly no doubt halfway asleep already. My eyes are shut and I don't bother to open them up to check what Harry's expression was reading since I can't be bothered.

"You are always over here and maybe things would be easier if we just moved in together. That way you wouldn't have to drive over here all the time," I mutter yawning to feel the warmth of my blanket radiate a comfortable heat. My feet are perched up on Harry's lap but become tangled when Harry opts for laying on his side.

"Yeah, it's perfect timing too with us and Scout. We were bound to live together at some point so it might as well be now," Harry catches my contagious yawn while still trying to answer me.

"Maybe when she wakes up we can start packing up her stuff since we are staying the night over at your place anyways," I nuzzle my face into the blankets and lose the conversation. I didn't know if Harry even responded since I had flickered out like a candle being blown out.

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