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Tony screamed awake, the sounds of his bombs killing the team that protected him in Afghanistan wouldn't go away. He felt cold, like he just been dumped in icy water.
Tonys thoughts raced, he felt like he just ran a marathon as he couldn't catch his breathe.

Gasps of air became more frequent as the feeling that someone was squeezing Starks throat increased.
'I'm going to die, I can't - I can't I can't breathe, someone help me.. Please'.
The gun shots, Yinsens dead body in front of him, filled his senses.

It took an hour, but by the end of it he was covered in a thick sweat and was shaking violently.
He snatched up his headset and slipped it on before pressing a button.
"JARVIS?, I'm going home, prepare the suit", stated Tony as he forced himself into his braces, flinching as the needles slowly made their way through the holes in his skin.

"yes sir, would you like me to activate mark 20 or 43"
He snatched up his black Sabbath t-shirt, dark blue jeans, his plain black flats and socks.
Slipping on his clothes and shoes, he managed to stand and slowly began to walk, thanking the fact that his jeans and shirt hadn't split.

"43, don't let anyone know that this is happening", answered Tony as he made his way out of his room.
He walked with a limp before jogging, then sprinting down the hall and arriving at the door to his suit.

"JARVIS, let me in", called Tony in a mere whisper.
"opening door now sir", answered the A.I as the door flew open.
Tony quickly allowed the suit to cover him before closing the door and hitting a button the opened up another door that led outside.

Stark jumped from the hellicarrier, flying in the direction of his Malibu home.

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