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Clint was tired, he felt blood dripping from the many deep cuts around his torso, the pain in his ribs and head were zapping his energy.

Tony was struggling to breath. After Barton had mentioned Afghanistan, Tony couldn't stop thinking of it. His mind was going haywire and if he wasn't focusing on calming down, he would have likely had a panic attack by now.

Barton had spotted a destroyed house. "Where, is Fury Bar-ton?" Tony had fallen forward after he asked his question. Clint caught him and laid him on the floor.
Barton saw blood pouring out from underneath Tony. Sand was stained with the red liquid.

"Jesus Christ, what did they do to you Tony?". Clint called S.H.I.E.L.D once again. "Yep, who is this?", It was Fury.
"Fury listen to me, Tony and I are in.... afghanistan". Barton had to whisper the location in fear that it would trigger Tony into another panic attack. "We're in the middle of no where and Tony is in a terrible state".

"Barton, keep Tony awake and we'll be there as fast as we can". Clint sighed in relief.
"I'll see you then Fury". Clint ended the call.
"Stark, stay awake for me, Fury's on his way".
"About time that one eye bastard came and got us". Tony began to cough, rolling on his hands and knees. Blood dribbled down his chin and dropped onto the sand.

"Tony!, Stay with me man, you're going to get through this, you're going to see Pepper again". He saw Tony shaking his head as the billionaire fell onto his side, before sitting up. The battery was in front of him, blood from his chest was still seeping into his shirts.

"You have no idea Clint. Fury will take as long as he needs, it's all about the money to him", Tony said as his breathing quickened. "Tony, that's not true".
Tony had slowly stood up, limping and staggering left and right as he walked towards a ruined house with the battery against his chest.

It took twenty minutes, but the pair managed to reach the ruined house.
Tony stood up on one of the rocks, falling down on a flat rock, which was in front of him.
Tony took off his Black Sabbath shirt, flinching at the pain in his shoulder as he yanked the knife out, blood pouring out at an excelerated rate.

Barton saw Tony's thin figure, the genius removed his second shirt, revealing a white undershirt that was, half stained with blood.
Clint saw the many cuts Tony had all over his arms, third degree burns were around his wrists.

The man was sweating buckets, his face and chest were drenched with sweat. "Just leave Barton, S.H.I.E.LD will pick me up when I'm dead". Barton didn't like the way Tony was thinking. Tony was usually the sarcastic genius that saw the good in everything and everyone.

"They care Tony, what ever that doctor said to you, you can't believe it. They know nothing of the Avengers and of Pepper". Tony gestures Barton to come over and put pressure on his shoulder. "How long? How long are they going to be?". Tony was sitting up, looking directly at Clint, not breaking eye contact as the pain increased throughout his body.

"I don't know Tony". Tony laid down on his back, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Clint knew that Tony hadn't been eating or sleeping properly since New York. He never knew why, but he had a feeling he was about to know why Tony has a fucked up sleeping and eating schedule.

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