Physically Adjusting

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It had been two weeks and everyone was healing from their injuries without any complications.
Everyone was thankful that the nurses checked on Clint, who they found unable to wake up.
They removed the mask and replaced it with actual oxygen, before leaving.

Tony was put to work on physiotherapy and was also sent to a physiologist, who he didn't bother talking to.

She mentioned New York and 'the
wormhole' and that sent Tony into a panic, he was relieving his near death experience all over again.
After that, he didn't go to her ever again.

His therapy helped his shoulder and slightly helped with conquering his paralysis.
Tony began building a metal brace for his arm and leg.
It had needles that inserted themselves all through Tony's paralysed limps. They would pinch the nerves and allow the mechanic to feel something.

There would be a signal sent straight from Tony's limb, to his spine and, eventually, to his brain. This forced the ligaments, muscles and joints to move.

It took two months to complete. The pain from the device stayed for the first two weeks, making Tony unable to move his entire body.
Moving his fingers became a challenge and hurt for a while, but after a month, he became used to the numbing pain in his arm and leg. Injected himself with a serum that stopped the pain caused by his invention, but still allowed for pain outside of that.

Rhodey helped Tony with walking after he came back from a three day mission.
"come on Tony, just take a step forward man", stated Rhodey as he stood behind his friend as he gripped the two metal bars, each side of him, with all his might.
"I-I-It hu-u-ur-r-rts Rh-h-hod-des, m-m-m-m-my b-b-bod-d-dy w-w-won't le-l-et me", replied Tony, his voice strained.

"I've got you if you fall", reassured James as his hands hovered around his friends waist.
Tony looked back, as he looked down at his legs, he slowly took a step forward with his braced leg.
Tony immediately lost his footing, his leg buckling, forcing Tony to hold himself up.

Tony's face scrunched up with pain, his jaw tightened and the grip on the railings were tighter then ever.
Rhodey hesitated to help, thinking that Tony had the situation covered, but hearing the gasps of pain coming from his friend, he immediately helped him, placing his hands under Starks arms.

"R-R-Rh-ho-odey I-I-I'm f-fi-ine, let go of m-me, I-I c-c-an d-do i-it mys-se-elf", stated Tony.
Rhodey immediately stepped back, his hands in the air.
Tony pulled himself up and took two steps forward, stumbling, almost falling to his knees. Catching himself, his elbows pointed upwards, his knees half a meter off the floor.

Starks eyes were squeezed shut, his teeth were clenched, showing slightly. He tried his hardest to pull himself up, but with his shaky arms, he collapsed onto his braces.

He winced as pain radiated along his side. "Holy shit, Tony", called out Rhodey as he quickly began to lift up Tony from the underarms.
Tony was back on his feet, tired, but still wanting to continue.

With all his remaining strength, Tony took a step forward, holding himself up as he slid his hands forward every time he moved.
It took two hours, but Tony managed to get to the end of the support bars.
He let go of the bars and turned around, using his braced arm and hand to hold him up.

He took a few steps forward before he collapsed, his body falling to the side. He let go of the rails and laid on his side, propped up by his forearm and opposite hand.
"I think that's enough for today Tony". Said James as he quickly walked over and helped the mechanic to his feet.
"N-no, L-le-e-et m-me w-wa-alk b-ba-ack", pleaded Stark.
James Rhodey sighed, pulling his friends arm over his shoulders

Tony had his hand gripping his friends forearm and shoulder. Him and Rhodes took their time as they walked through the ships medical centre.

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