Shock And Help?

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Fury and Natasha made their way to Tony's room. They walked in and were shocked at what they saw.
Tony was on a ventilator. A tube was down his throat, helping him to breath.

Dozens of wires were connected to his arc reactor, monitoring his heart beat. Tony was shirtless, bandages covering his entire torso. Bandages also covered his wrists and ankles, from injuries sustained from Afghanistan.

A tube was going into his left forearm, allowing blood to enter his body.
The tube from his mouth made Tony's head drift off to the side.

Pepper was sitting on a plastic chair on the left side of the bed. She had his hand in both of hers, her head was directly over her hands. "Miss Potts?".
Pepper placed Starks limp hand gently back onto the bed. She stood up and walked up to Fury, snacking him in the face.

"Why didn't you check his room fully Fury? You knew that the Winter Soldier had gotten Clint and you didn't bother being cautious and check Tonys fucking room. He's probably going to die because of you Fury, I hope you know that", snapped Pepper before leaving.

Fury walked over to the left side of Tonys bed. "Tony you stubborn son of a bitch, you better wake up", muttered Fury.

Banner walked in with a clip board, wearing a lab coat over his purple buttoned shirt and brown trousers, as well as wearing, plastic, blue gloves. "we've found the poison that is keeping Tony from waking up".

Furys back straightened. "which one?", asked Black Widow. She was leaning against the wall next to the door frame, right behind Nick Fury.
"It's a mixture of mercury and green food colouring. I'm shocked that Tony hasn't died yet from this and worst of all, this is completely out of our control. Tonys body has to fight it".

Furys heart sunk. "I need you and every doctor on this aircraft to focus on saving Stark". Nick walked out of the room as he spoke next to Banner.

"good luck Bruce", said Natasha as she followed Fury out the hospital room. Bruce pulled out a needle from his coat pocket. He walked over and took blood from Tony's inner elbow, a tube was connected to the end of the syringe. Blood was pouring into it.
Bruce pulled out the syringe and pressed down on the needles mark with a cotton ball.
He slipped the tube into his coats chest pocket and tossed the syringe into a yellow bin.

"I'm working on something Tony, hang in there buddy". Bruce placed a hand on his friends shoulder, tightening his grip before pulling away and walking out the doorway.

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