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Clint slowly came to, his head was banging and he could feel dried blood on the side of his forehead. His vision was blurry and Clint felt like puking.

He slowly rose to his feet, only to be dragged back down to the floor by shakles that were connected to the ground beside him. The chains were short enough to allow Clint to only be able to kneel. "Motherfucker". Hawkeye rested his head on the cold, stone, wall, while having one leg straight, while he had his foot flat on the floor on the other.

He looked at the shakles and lazily laid them over his stomach.
Clint closed his eyes, in hopes that he could sleep for a few hours, but all he could hear was the ear piercing screams coming from the room on his left.

Hawkeye listened in to what was happening and was hoping that wasn't Tony screaming bloody murder.
"Well Stark, are you going to tell us?". Clints heart dropped, Tony was being tortured while he was safe and sound in his cell. "Go to hell Hydra, I'm not telling". Tony's voice was raspy and Clint could tell that the genius had been screaming for hours.

"You're useless to them Stark, why don't you see that?, They want you for their own personal use. They're using you Tony, S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers, oh, and don't get me started on your precious Pepper and you so called 'friend', Rhodey".

Clint knew that Tony was hit hard from those comments. "No one cares Stark, your loyalty means nothing to them, they hate you and are likely grateful that you're here". That wasn't true, but Clint didn't yell out, in fear that Tony would be hurt even worse.

"Hawkeye's here Tony". Clint froze, sitting up. "You said he'll be out of the equation, you lied to me you son of a bitch!". Clint moved to sitting on his shins. "He's next door, don't you want to see him?". Tony stayed silent, Clint hoped his friend would say no, he didn't want to see what Tony looked liked.

"No, leave him there". Clint heard Tony cough soon after he answered. "Fine, Clint's useless to me, so maybe I can send my Soldier in to kill him". Clint froze.
"You want me right?, Torture me however long you need". Tony was calm, yet Clint could hear some panic in his voice. "Okay then, let's continue". Clint felt disgusted, he still felt ill and now he wanted to kill that guy.
"Okay, let's".

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