Wrong Move

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Natasha left the room and went to check on Clint, who she hadn't seen in three days.
"hey Clint, Tony's awake if you want to see him", said Natasha sweetly as she walked over to a still Clint.

Clint was on his side, his back towards Romanoff. Natasha saw Clints body flinch and tense up every few seconds.
Black Widow walked over to the other side of Clints bed at a quick pace.
She kneeled down and gently ran her left arm through Clints hair.

Clints eyes snapped open and he instinctively grabbed her left arm. He sat up in one quick movement and twisted her arm back, pushing her forward.
Natasha saw Clint look at what he did in horror as he quickly fell back onto the bed, rolling onto his back and running his hand through his hair.

"Tony's alive Clint, he's out of danger". Clint sighed in relief, a smile appearing on his face. "I swear Tony has the luck of the devil", stated Clint, his voice rough and breaking from lack of use. Natasha chuckled at his comment.

Clint had nothing in his arms, no heat meter was registering Clints pulse, leaving him free to walk around.
"I can help you with walking to Tony's room if you want".
Clint shook his head.

He flung the thin blanket off of his body, slowly turning around to face the doorway.
Barton, carefully, moved his legs to hang off the side of his hospital bed.
He stood, staggering forward and catching himself on the wall.

Pain shot up from his back and chest. His recovering heart beating in his bruised and broken ribcage.
Clints breathing became gasps of pain as he struggled to say up right.

He moved his legs at a snails pace, each step becoming more painful and unbearable as time passed.
He turned to walk into Tony's room and immediately collapsed to the ground, his knees buckled underneath him, sending him to the floor.

Banner helped Clint to his feet and helped him walk over to the chair next to Tony. Pepper stood up and walked away from the seat, allowing Barton to sit.
"Hey Tony", said Clint with a chuckle, trying his best to catch his breathe, but to no luck.

Tony didn't move, the dull pain shot through his body when he did. He knew something was off about Clint, he had visible, dark, bags underneath his eyes. Tony was concerned about Clint as the archer began to clutch the fabric over his heart, unable to breath properly.
"Agent, what's wrong?", asked Nick as became concerned with Barton inability to breathe.

"Just a bit breathless Fury", answered Clint in between breathes. "Rodgers, get the nurse", commanded Fury as he walked over and bent down to Clints level. Steve disappeared down the hallway.

"Clint, focus on me okay?, Steve has gone to get someone". Clints breathing became shorter and shorter, the dull pain in his chest increased, causing a sharpness that Clint hadn't experienced before.

A nurse had made his way into the hospital room, rushing over to Clint and pushing Fury away. "why is this man out of bed?, he shouldn't have moved from there, he's supposed to be on morphine, who the hell was in charge of helping him?!".

The nurse stood and helped lifted Clint into his arms, the archers head was buried in the man's chest.
The nurse stood taller the Tony, at around 6'4, he had short, brown hair and sea blue eyes.
He had a muscular build and didn't struggle as he carried Clint out the room.

He laid Clint down onto his bed and immediately placed an oxygen mask over Barton's nose and mouth. He dug a needle connected to morphine, into the back of Clints hand.
"you shouldn't have moved Clint, your heart is still healing".

Clint relaxed after a few minutes, the sharp pain was still there, but was bearable. Clint closed his eyes, but was immediately filled with high anxiety and fear.

Clint felt tired all of a sudden, his drowsy eyes closing. Clint fell into a deep sleep.
The sleeping gas used on Clint will keep him from waking up, no matter what he dreams or has nightmares about.

The nurse walked off speaking into an ear piece as he did. "the plan worked sir, he's asleep... Yes sir, the Avengers are all here..... I'll be getting access right now...yes sir, Tony Stark isn't going to be moving around anytime soon........ Of course, they'll be dead before they'll realise there's a problem".

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