Finding Out

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Clint could smell disinfectant as he came too. The beeping of a heart meter brought him back to reality. "Good to have you back Barton". Clint giggled slightly. "You almost flat lined Clint, you're lucky". Steve Rodgers had his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. He was wearing a white t-shirt with bage trousers and a leather jacket. His black loafers were flat on tiled ground.

"How's Tony?", Asked Barton as he tried to move into a sitting position. The pain in his lung and back were dull, but was still there. Clint froze and gave up trying.
"He's not in good shape Barton". Hawkeyes heart dropped. "Is he dead?", He asked as he turned his head to face the captain.

The captain shook his head. "He's in a coma Barton, his body couldn't take the injuries and, as a result, he almost flat lined. The doctors say that he isn't going to be the same when he wakes up".
"What do you mean Steve?". Steve had walked over to Clint, lifting him up into a sitting position and placing pillows behind his back.

"The doctors said that part of the left side of his brain was damaged, Starks reading, writing and motor abilities will be affected, as well as his short term memory and speech". Barton was saddened by the news.
"Will he be able to recognise us?", Asked Barton, in hope that the damage to his brain didn't effect his ability to recognise faces.

"I don't know, Stark needs to wake up for us to know how bad his injuries are".
Silence roamed the room.
"What about everything else?", Asked Clint.
"He has five broken ribs on one side and six broken on the other side, his left shoulder will have restricted movement, which will have to be improved with physio. The deep cuts over his body will scar badly, as will the bullet wound in his leg and the stab wound over his stomach".

"What about the thing in his chest?". Clint saw Steve tense up over the mentioning of Tonys arc reactor. "He has received damage to his heart. An arc reactor was surgically corrected and will keep his heart away from being impaled by the shrapnel".

Clint wanted to run to Tony, to be there when his friend wakes, but he couldn't, he was stuck in a hospital bed with injuries that will remind him of his failure to save his friend.

"How bad is his heart?". Steve explained that electric shocks were to blame as the side effect of them had caused Tony to have chronic heart and abdomenial pain.
"Like I said, we have to wait until Tony wakes up to see how bad the damage is". Clint nodded sadly.

Clint looked around, his wrists wrapped with white bandages, as well as his entire torso, he had seen that the bandages over his chest were showing above a baggy, torquise, t-shirt that he was wearing.

"I want to see Tony", announced Clint. "No can do Clint, your back injuries are too bad for you to be getting out of bed and walking around". Clint sighed in annoyance.

As Steve was about to leave, a blood curdling scream was heard next door. Clint could hear gasps of air mixed with strangled cries and screams. "Tony's awake!", Said Clint in surprise. 

"How did you know that was Tony?", Asked Rodgers in disbelief as he stood up, preparing to. Clint hesitated to answer the captains question.
"This happened when we were waiting for you guys, he fell asleep and woke up screaming".

Rodgers ran out of the room and into Tony's room, which was on the right side of Clint's.
"RODGERS!, BE CAREFUL!!", Screamed Clint.
"Tony it's me, it's Steve Rodgers". A muffled cry was heard soon after, a cry Clint could tell that it was from Tony.

"It's okay Tony, you're safe, you're in the hellicarrier". The cries had stopped. "Look after him, I don't think he remembers me".
Steve walked back into Clint's room.
"He didn't remember you?", Clint asked confused. "Nope, he had a look in his eyes, he looked scared to see me, like he thought I was going to kill him".

"He's having nightmares about yesterdays torture, I swear Steve that Tony has P.T.S.D from New York and Afghanistan. It's likely that he thought he was still in Afghanistan, and hence why he looked at you funny". Steve looked at Clint confused.
"P.T.S.D?". Clint forgot that Steve knew it through a different name.
"Shell shock cap". Steves eyes widened in shock. "That would explain Tony not wanting to sleep and tinkering with his suits for days without resting". Clint nodded in agreement.

"We'll have to help Tony through this, he'll need all the help he can get", said Clint as he kicked off the sheets. "Grab a wheelchair and help me into it will you cap? I'm going to see Tony".

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