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Clint woke up to Tony softly singing 'Broken' from the album, The Futurist.
"I'll become what your first class said
I'm no light weight, I'll find time to throw us down".
Clint started silent as Tony sang before him.

"Tony, you can sing?!", Asked Clint in disbelief. Tony turned to face his friend with a confused and startled look before taking off his headphones, disconnecting them from his phone.

Clint explained how he got there and that he had been sleeping there all night. He also had to tell Tony that he had a nightmare, which had Clint in Tony's hospital room.
Tony scribbled something in his book, before showing it to Barton.

It read, 'Fury can stop assking aboot Afganisstan, wat hapened thear hapened. I'm knot freaking out just because Fury wants to use wat I experenced in a report'.
Clint knew that Tonys ability to spell was effected badly by his brain injury, as well as his ability to write and read.

Clint read over the note a couple times. He looked up at Tony and nodded his head in agreement. "I agree with you there Tony".
Fury walked through the room soon after the subject on fury had been discussed.
"how are you feeling Tony?", asked Fury. Tony stayed silent, and not wanting to write down his answer.

"what do you want Fury?", snapped Clint. Fury made his way over to Tony's bed. "I came here for information agent Barton. Tony here needs to speak up about what they did".

Tony's noise scrunched up, he looked fury dead in the eye and shook his head.
Clint looked at Tony before looking back at Fury. "he's not speaking about anything Nick".

Nick sat down on the foot of Tony's bed. "I don't find it amusing that Mr Stark is withholding information from us". Tony rolled his eyes. "ask me about it Nick, I was there as well", volunteered Clint.
Fury shook his head as he still had his eyes on Stark, who was growing uneasy with the long period of eye contact Fury was making.

"Tony was there for the entire thing, he's the only one who saw the leader of Hydra". Clint and Tony looked at each other in shock, confusion and annoyance.
"Fury, how do you know that?".
Fury stayed silent before sighing loudly and answering soon after. "we have someone who has worked with them in the past, he left over five years ago and he's now applying for a job on S.H.I.E.L.D".

Clint saw Tony freeze in place. "Fury can you go away?, if Tony hears anymore about his capture, he'll go into a panic. Why did you ask us anyway when you can just ask that bastard what they do?".

Tonys breathing began to become shallow, his eyes were wide and looking down at the, far, left corner of the bed.
Barton saw his friends hands weakly grab the bed covers. Starks breathing began to quicken, becoming deeper and speeding up.

"Fury for fuck sakes, LEAVE!", yelled Clint as stood up and leaned against bed as he grabbed Tonys hand with both of his.
At this moment, the Fury stood up and left without saying another word.

"Natasha?, get Bruce up here immediately, I need Tony able to speak, or... Write, what happened, the council isn't taking no for an answer".
Fury walked into the control room, looking over the room and staring out the large window in front of him.

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