Chapter 17

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"No, Tae- no! You move your left arm like this, and you right foot goes to the left" Hoseok explained, showing me what I was supposed to do.

Manager Sejin had decided we would get a week off, so our supposed 'fans' would think I was getting some rest after my 'accident'. What was actually happening, was that I had to learn all the dances and songs our 'band' had brought out, as well as learn what they—we have achieved these past years.

It was hard, the unfamiliarity with everything was still hitting me hard each day, and on top of that, the amount of exercise and expertise I was supposed to perform for these songs was way more than I ever thought it could be. It did not help that the songs were totally different to what I was used to. There were no instruments beside so called 'electronic' ones.

"May we take a small break?" I asked, my breath shallow and fast of fatigue.

"No, let's go over this one more time, you need to know most of these songs before our next concert, which is in... 9 days" Hoseok grimaced.

"How do you manage to keep this up? I feel like I might faint" I panted, my hands on my knees and my head hung low as I tried to catch my breath.

"Practice, a pot of practice" He grinned, pushing something on what I discovered was a smartphone (the phone was indeed actually smart, you could ask it anything and it would know the answer) . The music started playing again.

My muscles burned as I got into my assigned position again, preforming the unnatural and aggressive and ungraceful moves again.

By the end of it I had collapsed on the cold hard floor, my lungs begging for oxygen and my stomach churning in an unpleasant way. I heard Hoseok say something, but my mind had already faded into nothingness, sleep consuming my senses so quickly that I was not able to struggle.


"What had happened?" Was the first thing I asked Jin, the kind man smiling upon seeing me.

"You passed out from over exertion, it's not severe, but your body just needed a couple of hours rest." He frowned, placing a bowl of noodles in front of me. They didn't look like the homemade noodles the cooks made for Prin—Namjoon. He loved homemade noodles. I silently started eating.

"Is it hard? Adjusting to everything?" Jin suddenly asked. "I mean I couldn't imagine what you are going through, and it still seems very illogical to me. But even a blind man can see that you really don't know or understand some things"

"It is, it is very hard" I mumbled. "Sometimes I forget what had happed, and panic when I wake up in that strange bed. Or I treat Namjoon and Jungkook like I was used to, like princes. It's hard to learn everything from scratch, barely anything is the same anymore, everything has gotten a lot more complicated, but also more comfortable. I have not seen a single person who does not wear quality robes, and who does not have those expensive smartphones on their person.

"I am appalled as to how rich you are, one of those smartphones alone could feed a whole village for a year where I am—was from. You act as if living in such comfort is normal, while I have seen people die from small pox and fevers and plagues and diarrhea. Just because they did not have enough money to get herbs from the healers

"I don't blame you, you do not know better, you have not seen what I have seen, you have not lived through what I have experienced. I do not blame you, but it appalls me. It makes me hate you, despise you, because I wish my brother had been born in this timeline, so he did not have to suffer and die, I wish my parents had, so I could still see them everyday. I wish I had, so I would not have experienced the obligation to sell my own body, to let myself be used by others who thought nothing more of me than an old rag they could toss away later. Did you really think I could get away untouched in the castle, as a mere servant?

It was the princes, the king, the knights, the diplomats, the guests, the fucking stable boy. I was going insane Seokjin, I was losing myself, losing my mind. But I could not talk to anyone about it, because who gives a fuck about a mere servant!"

I did not realise the others were listening in the door opening, or that I had been crying while ranting off either. I did not hear myself raising my voice, something I had not done often before.

I did feel his arms around me, the comforting warmth swallowed me whole. I did not struggle, finding peace in his innocent embrace. There was no underlying meaning to it, no sexual intent, only comfort. It felt different. It felt unusual.

It felt like the last hug I had gotten from my dying mother, even though she did not have as much strength left in her as Seokjin possessed. I sobbed in his shoulder, like a child. I could not have cared any less. Three more warm pairs of arms wrapped around me.

I did not see figure walking out of the room without a word.

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