Chapter 8

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

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"Fuck" I cursed.

I was still locked up, princess Taehyun was sitting on the other side of the room, a small candle lighting her face up. She was watching me bleed out slowly. She was, without doubt, enjoying this.

"Such a dirty mouth for a pretty boy" she chuckled.

"W-where is Jimin?" I questioned. I leant my head back against the cold wall, too tired to struggle anymore.

"The servant? He's gone" she said bluntly. I gulped, she had gotten rid my best friend.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted Jimin, and that he partially caused me to be in this situation, but it wasn't his fault. He was just following orders, right? He couldn't be that mad at me, right?

I didn't know anymore, everything and everyone was confusing me. I just wanted it all to stop and go back to how it used to be, when nothing was this complecated.

"What are you waiting for? End me already" I closed my eyes and waited, and waited.

"What would be the fun in killing you now, hm?" The amusement was clear in her voice. "But you're right, I can have a bit of fun with you"

She got up and stepped closed, the rats quickly scrambling away as she made way with her big and elegant dress, which contrasted with my own blood stained poor looking clothes.

I held my breath as she got closer, afraid of the power she held over me. Her eyes filled with only ill intent. She scared me.

"Gah!" I loud groan escaped my mouth as she got a hold of the arrow sticking in my shoukder

"Let us play" she twisted it slowly, more blood gushing out of the wound. My scream echoed throughout the room. "Why don't you just scream his name. Maybe he'll have the hounor of hearing his little whore calling for him, one last time"

"I d-don't think s-so" my teeth were clenched in pain and my body trembled, but I mustered all my strenght to kick her away, making her stumble back. I heard her scream before it was ended abrubtly.

It took me almost a minute to realise what had happened. Blood surrounded her head as she laid there, the broken candleholder stuck in the back of her skull.

"N-no no no no, no! Fuck!" I cursed at myself, turning to the side to puke.

I had killed her.

It took me longer to remember I was still bleeding and chained to the wall, destined to either bleed out of die by infections or starvation. Not to mention the rats were already creeping closer. It wouldn't be long or they would feast on her limp body. And I would follow soon after.

The images of her half eaten corpse besides my own made me puke once again. Tears were streaming down my face, my sobbing the only sound in the room.

"I want to go home"


It wasn't until what I guessed was hours later that I woke up. The hypervetillation had me pass out for a while and I immediately moved to scare away the small pests that had started eating at my pants.

"A-ah" I groaned in pain. I looked down to see my entire shirt covered in dried blood, coloring it a disgusting brownish red that smelled like iron. I kept my body still and looked around, the darkness becoming a familliar thing.

I avoided laying my eyes on the princess, focusing on the door, through which was nog a small stray of light visible.

"H-help!" I yelled, wincing at the pain in my side. "Please! Help"

I waited for an answer that wouldn't come. I started yelling louder, hoping, praying, that there would be anybody that could hear me.

"HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could, collapsing after to rest. The pain was gnawing at me.

"Go away!" I yelled at the mice, moving to kick them away from the princess's body.

I groaned in pain and returned to my original position, panting heavily in pain, exhaustion, and panic. I wanted out, out of this claustrophobic room.

Were they even looking for me? Was Namjoon wondering where his servant went? Did Jungkook even notice Jimin and I were gone?

Jimin, he's dead... my best friend died. I was the reason he died, if I had jus t listened to princess Taehyun, this wouldn't bave happened.

It's all my fault.

"Namjoon!" I screamed, hanging by the chains limply. My vision was fading fast and my head was pounding.

"Please" I whimpered, struggling to stay awake. I really did not want to pass out with a dead body and dirty rats near me.

This was unlike anything I could have ever imagined my life to turn out. This is now how I want my life to end.

I dont want to die, chained to the wall in a dirty little room where no one could find me, with rats eating away at my body and a dead royalty besides me tbat was already beginning to start rotting away.

I just wanted to be loved. I guess I just always managr to fuck things up.

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Royals ⚣ (taejoon/taekook/taeminkook) ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن