Chapter 1

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There was always something to do in the palace. Whether that was cleaning, helping the cook, dressing Namjoon, bathing Namjoon, conversing with others in the palace.

Now was the time to bathe and dress Namjoon. As a personal servant, I was the one to take that task upon me. I was to boil the water, put it in the bath, which looked so tempting and so relaxing, and then undress the prince and help him into the bath.

The silk robes slipped off his shoulders and legs, pale skin revealed underneath. His skin was so incredibly flawless, it made me jealous.

I was one of the very few in the castle that had seen the prince fully naked, not many others was given the privilege. It was supposed to make me feel honored, but in the end, Namjoon had the body every other man had, only his was filled with blue blood.

I remembered the times in his slightly younger years, when he invited many girls over to his chambers, but never had he pulled off all of his clothes.

Yet there I was, massaging the man's shoulders while he relaxed in the comfortable warm water. The fragrance of lavender filled the room deliciously. I could feel the prince's muscles relax beneath my hands.

"Get in"

Namjoon had always had this habit, he loved to bathe with others, and that was me.

I stood up and removed the thin hanbok I was told to wear when bathing the prince. It was easy to slip off, revealing my naked more tanned skin underneath. He shamelessly scanned my body, again, even after having done so many times before.

I sat in the beautiful marble tub, my back towards him as he had told me to do so. I shivered when his warm hands clasped around my waist to pull me towards him, my back leaning against his muscled chest.

I didn't know why, but for some reason he liked that position. I didn't, at first, when I felt awkward and out of place. After all, what was such a low life like myself doing, bathing with a Royal prince. But after a while it began to become normal. The was his chest felt against my back, while I laid in between his legs, the warm water helped me relax.

His hands roamed my body, over my thighs, my stomach, my chest and shoulders. I never knew why, but he seemed to enjoy it. I didn't mind, his big hands felt good, running over my skin, the soft sound of water splashing as I closed my eyes, my head leaning on his chest and my long dark brown hair floating with the movement of the water when he unraveled my braid.

Then, after a while of staying like that, he would suddenly order me to get out and return to washing him. I couldn't help but feel a spark of disappointment light up in me. The feeling of wanting more gnawed at me.

But as I slipped on my pale green hanbok again, not being bothered by the fact that it got wet, the feeling disappeared again and the emotionless mask returned on my face.

With a stoic face I dried him off delicately, as if he was a porcelain doll, and dressed him in the beautiful hanbok I laid out for him.


"Taehyung!" Jimin called out my name as he walked down the hall. I turned around to face him, waiting for him to catch up.

"What is it, Jimin?"

"Have you heard?" Jimin asked eagerly.

"Pertaining to what exactly?"

"The prince's fiancé has arrived, apparently she is staying here until the marriage" He smiled. "I heard she is a very beautiful and kind woman, I cannot wait to see her."

"Me neither" That was a lie.

I knew the prince was engaged, to a beautiful younger woman nonetheless, but still I couldn't help but feel something unfamiliar upon hearing she would be arriving here shortly. I didn't what it was, and there was no time to ponder about it as I was called by another servant.

"We'll talk later" Jimin smiled and gave me a short wave as I walked away.


I laid in my uncomfortable small bed, Jimin's snored echoing through the servants chamber. I was glad there were only two people allowed in one chamber, but the fact that it was Jimin, had me feeling annoyed.

Jimin was a trustworthy person and a good friend, he understood what I was going through, since he was in a similar situation. But sometimes he didn't, Jungkook wasn't Namjoon after all, they were very different.

Jungkook was a kind man, without the weight of being first born on his shoulders, he was more relaxed and less stoic like Namjoon. He often smiled, even at the servants. But there was also something off about him whenever he looked at me. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't like it.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Jimin's snored continued while I got up to answer it.

"Your presence has been requested by the prince" another servant said. I nodded and turned around to slip off my sleeping dress, changing into the appropriate hanbok to serve the prince. It took less than a minute, but the woman at the door was already growing impatient.

I followed her out the door, walking down the cold dark halls, to the royal chambers.

I thanked the woman and knocked on the door, waiting for a signal to come in. Not even a second later, I heard a low "come in" from the man inside.

I didn't hesitate to open the door and bow down before my prince.

"Rise" his voice was deep and raspy.

I stood up straight , looking at his feet. They walked closer, until he was right before me. A hand reached out to cup my chin, lifting my head to face him. But my eyes wouldn't meet his.

"Look at me" he commanded. After that our gazes met, and he stared at me before roughly grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me in for a kiss, his other hand latched onto my waist.

I returned the kiss as quickly as I could, even though it took me by surprise, knowing he would want that. His tongue licked my bottom lip as his hand slipped down to grab my behind. His fingers dug into my skin, the thin robe didn't do much to cover me.

"Strip" Jungkook commanded.

With that, the pale green robes landed in a puddle at my feet.

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