Chapter 25

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Nyla's p.o.v

I woke up in my old tent, that's weird I know I fell asleep in Peter's text I thought as I got up and changed before walking out to see most of the lost boys were up. Everything seemed fine, then I noticed Wendy sitting in Peter's lap, his arms around her waist.

In that moment I knew the dark one was at work "I'm sorry you have to see that," I heard Felix say behind me and I turned to look at him.

"I'm going to kill Rumplestilskin goldilocks," I remark glaring at Wendy.

"He woke up like this you know. I'm guessing the dark one knew he remembered now he's completely reset Pan, totally forgot that he hates Wendy," he says as he looked over at them, the feather in his hair was blowing in the wind.

"So that means nobody remembers Peter and I are together?" I say with a frown.

"Well if it isn't the rejected lost girl," Wendy says looking over at me with a glare.

"Oh is that so, suppose your boyfriends going to defend you now isn't he," I say venom seeped through my words.

"Well he does love me," she states with a smirk, Peter was glaring at me.

"Glare all you want Peter, it only makes you more attractive," I tell him giving my best smile.

He gave me a surprised look "Stop trying love, he doesn't like you," Wendy declares with a crude look.

I walked over to them Felix following behind me "Oh he doesn't," I say and reach inside my chest, pulling out my heart and showed it to them "You see that, half a heart. But where's the other half?" I say raising my eyebrows "I'll bet you my best dagger that Peter has it," I say, then reached inside Peter's chest.

"Oh would you look at that," I say pulling out the other half of my heart and showing them at it's a perfect match.

"I don't understand," Wendy says standing up.

"Well it's perfectly clear Wendy. This isn't real, in fact this is all created by the dark one. So in reality Peter hates you, wishes you never came to Neverland," I say as I feel Felix standing awkwardly behind me.

"You're lying," Peter says standing next to Wendy and I gave him back his heart "I love Wendy," he continues placing it back in his chest as I put mine back.

"Sure you do, you will believe me eventually. Once I defeat the dark one, after all Nyla Porter never fails"

Just a quick update for you all, I hope you like it and thanks for reading


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