Chapter 22

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Nyla's p.o.v

I woke up to an arm wrapped around my waist causing me to turn, when I saw that it was Peter's arm I calmed down. But strangely we were in his tent on his bed, how did we get here? We were on the beach 2 seconds ago, yet somehow we're back at the camp. Then I remembered the curse, of course it wasn't going to just leave us there, the magic took over creating new memories for us.

When it hit me that Peter said it would take our memories away. Then how do I remember? Does this have to do with being a demigod? Although everything looked normal, from everything in Peter's tent to the birds chirping out side. Something was definitely off because the sun was shining when literally 4 seconds ago Neverland was encased in absolute darkness with storms and everything.

"Morning love," I heard Peter mumble from beside me. I would've gushed over how hot his morning voice is but right now I'm freaked the fuck out.

Knowing that Peter probably didn't remember anything I played along with things "Morning, did you sleep well?" I asked and he smiled. Like nothing just happened two seconds ago.

"Yeah," he says pecking my forehead. After that we got up and dressed before leaving the tent.

Camp is how it always was, various tents scattered around the campfire in the clearing. Our gardens off to the side, not far behind that was the training grounds and in the distance was the fishing hole. Lost boys lounged around the unlit campfire, and everything looked normal.

That is until girls came out of numerous tents, there was about 6 of them all different ages with various hair colors and ethnic backgrounds. What the actual fuck is going on? Neverland was home to the lost boys and Rosie and I. We were the only girls well besides Wendy who I now saw talking to Ryker, she wasn't tied up or anything.

The dark one has gone through many lengths to achieve this, while everyone forgot what was really going on, he could harness Neverland magic like he planned all along. Instead of Peter setting up the game board knowing exactly where each game piece was at all times. It was now swapped, we were the pieces on the game board of the dark ones game, he knew we'd come back to Neverland. He wanted Peter to know he was here, so we fell right into place on his game board. He had bested Peter Pan.

Then I remembered that everyone else must still be on the island, probably in cages since they were adults but I needed to find them. A look of shock came over me as I saw Felix walking up to me with Henry looking confused as ever.

"I'll see you later babe," Peter says pecking my lips and going off to his thinking tree.

"Bye," I say watching his retreating form. Then the two boys finally reached me "Please tell me you guys remember everything?" I questioned with a hopeful look.

"Yeah, we do and this is creeping me out. There was this girl all over me saying I was dating her," Felix says with a disgusted look.

"It was painful to watch," Henry says matter of factly as he took everything in. The girls weren't training with the boys or doing anything to help around the camp. They just sat and talked about boys while doing their makeup, that's right they were doing their makeup in the fucking jungle.

"There is no way Pan would just let them sit there doing nothing," I state as I watched them. They were giggling and complimenting eachother like their lives depended on it.

To shake us out of our thoughts Rosie and Roland came running up to us "I want my daddy," Roland says as they stopped in front of us, telling us that they remembered as well.

"We will find your daddy don't worry," Henry says picking the small boy up while Felix picked up Rosie.

"Why do we remember?" I asked Henry who shrugged, just as confused as the rest of us. How come we were the only ones who remembered whilst the other lost boys and Peter thought it was completely normal that girls now resides on Neverland.

"I have no idea but maybe the adults also remember. Maybe the dark one didn't know this would happen," he says as we walked out of the camp.

"He definitely doesn't know we remember. His plan was to make us all forget so he could harness the magic of Neverland," Felix declares as we neared the cages, there were more than what we usually had.

"Mom," Henry calls out as we approached the cages and sure enough everyone was there.

"Henry, what's going on?" Emma asks as we began opening the cages and Henry happily gave Roland back to Robin.

"We have no idea why we remember everything but everyone else didn't. You should see it back there, Neverland now has lost girls 6 of them besides Nye and Rosie," he fills them in on our current situation.

"Ok we really need a plan, if Rumplestilskin wants to take Neverlands magic away, where could he go to do that?" Regina asks after stretching because those cages aren't meant for adults. Felix and I shared a knowing look, for we knew exactly where Rumplestilskin had to go to take Neverland magic.

"Skull Rock"...............

Third update today, I'm really feeling it today but drama is happening like this is getting weird and interesting but I hope you like it and thanks for reading. Hope you liked a longer chapter too.


The Special Lost Girl (OUAT Peter Pan love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora