Chapter 10

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Nyla's p.o.v

We rushed Felix back to camp while Rue went to get the water from the heart of Neverland.

Upon returning Pan was furious "You psychotic bitch, you dare attack my lost boys. If you weren't my prisoner I would personally enjoy ripping your heart out and crushing it," Pan yells at Wendy, who seemed hurt that Peter was screaming at her. However I was more worried about him scaring Rosie, who hasn't left Felix's side.

"Peter be careful what you say, you might scare Rosie," I say looking at the scared girl, but she was too worried about Felix so she didn't notice Peter's threat to Wendy.

"Awe she called you Peter and you didn't stop her," Wendy says winking at Pan who was getting even more mad as time went on. He really wasn't kidding when he said that Wendy was destructive.

"She has my permission to call me that, you however do not," he states but Wendy just laughs, which continued to anger Peter.

"Come on Peter, she's not worth it. Let's go help Felix," I say taking his hand and leading him over to Felix.

The lost boys had put him on a cot by the fire, because he was cold but also because he was burning up. So having him out in the cold air next to the fire will be good for him.

"How's he doing?" Pan asks as I kneel beside the sick blond placing a hand on his sweat covered forehead.

"Not well, if Rue doesn't get here soon then I'm afraid it might be too late," I say placing a cloth on Felix's forehead to slow the fever down.

"I'm back!" Rue says running up to us with a jug of the water, being careful not to spill any.

"So if he drinks this, then he'll never be aloud to leave Neverland ever," Luke says from beside me, however I had a plan for that.

"Yeah, that's why I'm going to add just a drop of it to this salvent. All I need is some aloe," I say taking the salvent out of my pocket.

"Here Nye," Pan says giving me some aloe.

I ground it with a rock and put it into the salvent, then I carefully placed a drop of the water into the mixture and shook it very well. When the mixture was done I helped Felix sit up and poured the salvent into his mouth. After a few minutes Felix's face started to regain its color. "There, he will be fine now. He just needs lots of rest to fully get better" I say standing up, I see Rosie rubbing her eyes.

"Come love, let's get you off to bed," I say taking her hand and leading her to Peter's tent where she sleeps. After a long day, we all needed a nice sleep, hopefully Wendy doesn't try anything else because I just want one day of peace on this damn island, maybe that will be tomorrow......

Hey guys sorry it's been a while since I last posted, I hope you like it and thanks for reading


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