Chapter 11

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Nyla's p.o.v

I woke up in my tent, to the sounds of birds chirping. After putting Rosie to bed last night, I went back to my tent where I feel asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow. Now here I am lying in my bed trying to find the will power to get up from my comfy covers. After alot of motivation, I finally got up and dressed in a blue tank top and black leggings.

Then I left my tent into the world outside, but what I saw outside wasn't Neverland. Sure I was standing in our camp in a forest, but Neverland is nothing but jungle. "What the fuck!" I say out loud to no one, this is unusually strange and I'm fucking magical.

"UM GUYS, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE" I yell to get everyone's attention. Luckily they are all light sleepers, well you kinda have to be when you live in a jungle full of things that can kill you in your sleep.

Everyone started getting out of their tents, looking around in shock to see that we somehow left Neverland. I don't know how we got here but the magic even brought over Wendy, still attached to her tree. Soon Peter came out of his tent, Rosie was in his arms lying her head sleepily on his shoulder. The poor little girl was too tired to see where we were but Pan had a look of hate on his face "Not again!" he says looking up at the sky.

"Wait you've been here before?" I say as he hands me Rosie before looking at our new surrounding.

"Yes, long sorry short, this isn't the first time the lost boys and I have been here," he says and you could tell he was angry.

"So where are we?" I ask as the lost boys gathered around. Some of the newer boys were just as confused as I was because this was really strange.

"We're in Storybrooke, Maine," Felix says walking up to us, he looked much better now that he wasn't poisoned anymore. I'm so glad my remedy worked.

"Maine, we are in America. In my world, but how?" I ask as Rosie snuggled into me almost falling back asleep.

"There is only one person powerful enough to bring us here," Pan said walking over to the fire that was still buring "The dark one," he continued looking up at us.

We all decided that staying here wouldn't do any good so we all walked out of the forest and into the small town, which looked like a baby compared to New York.

"Poor Rosie, she's all sleepy and probably hungry," I say lifting her up so she wouldn't fall.

"There's a diner right there," Felix says pointing at a sign that says Granny's Diner on it "Perfect," I say pulling out my debit card. We all walked into the diner, the little bell ringing as we walked in the door.

Some people didnt notice us as we walked through but a group of people looked up at us as we neared the counter. They all jumped up looking at Pan and the lost boys in shock. There were two women, two men and a boy no older than 13 "What are you doing here, we sent you back?" the women with long dark hair and wearing a pantsuit said walking over to us.

"Ask us something we do know," I say lifting Rosie up because she was slipping.

"Who are you" she asks looking at me in curiosity.

"I'm Nyla, first ever lost girl" I say as if it was obvious because it was.

"You better not hurt any of our family," the man next to the boy says glaring at Pan.

"Oh relax, we're not here to cause harm. We don't even know how we got here. Right now our main priority is to feed our little one," Peter says pointing to the tired and hungry Rosie in my arms.

"Wait you have a kid?" the mean women asks in shock looking between Peter and I.

"Hahaha, you're funny. Look buster I'm only 17, I've been on Neverland for 3 days I'm not desperate lady. Nor am I a community bicycle!" I say to her with a lot of sass followed by "Damn I've spent why too much time with Felix and Michael," I say as the lost boys laugh.

"Now who might you guys be?" I say sitting Rosie down on a stool, she leaned forward placing her head on the counter which was adorable.

"I'm Regina, that's Robin Hood. The boy is my son Henry and thats Snow White and Prince Charming," Regina says pointing everyone out.

"Right" I say looking up at the sky "What has the world come to?" I continued shaking my head.

After that I ordered food for everyone and paid with my debit. Man it felt great to eat a grilled cheese sandwich again and drink a milkshake. Now all we have to do is figure out why the dark one, whoever that is, brought us to this tell and made us leave Neverland.....

So everyone is in Storybrooke, well I hope Pan doesn't kill anyone for taking them away from his island. I hope you like it and thanks for reading.


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