Chapter 5

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Nyla's p.o.v

I sadly followed Peter to my independent doom. He wants me to train, good thing I took karate and was a third degree black belt, I also took boxing and combat lessons. They kept my mind off my dads beatings.

I see the boys shooting bows or throwing things at targets "Ok so today you will be fighting Felix," Pan says as Felix walks up to us, a smirk on his face.

"Really?" I questioned sending a glare in Pans direction and he had the audacity to give me, his ever so annoying smirk.

"Yeah, now less talking more fighting," He says and our fight began, most of the lost boys gathered around to watch this fight. Probably hoping to see me get knocked on my ass.

I had Felix pinned in 10 seconds "Are we done now?" I asked whilst helping Felix back to his feet.

The lost boys all looked shocked at the fact that I won the fight. Now I know they haven't seen a girl in ages but we aren't weak like everyone thinks we are. The person who was the most astonished, however was Pan.

"How did you do that? He's our best fighter," Pan says shocked raising an eyebrow.

"I happen to be a third degree black belt in karate, I also took boxing and combat lessons," I state before going over to a target and throwing knives at it, each one hit the center of the target.

Like always the boys were watching me but not in a lustful way, they were amazed at what I was doing like they've never seen a girl do it.

"You seem to fit in here well lost girl," Pan says with a true smile, I'm not going to lie it looked great on him.

"I've got a name you know," I say and his grin comes back.

"Indeed you do, boys meet Nyla. Our first lost girl," Pan says and the boys cheer, then we all head back to the camp.

Everyone gathered around the fire as Pan began to play a song on his pipes. The song was slow but beautiful, some of the boys got up to dance around the fire, as Pan played his music I could see how happy the boys were. Even Felix had a smile on his face and that boy looked like he hardly ever smiled.

Then again so did Pan but he too had a smile plastered to his face, for once since my time here I also had a smile on my face.

"Come dance," says Pan as he walked over to me.

"I am too tired to dance, I'd rather watch," I say before Pan sits next to me and plays his pipes again.

I began swaying to the tune which was a beautiful melody, my head was moving from side to side. Watching the lost boys dance was amazing, they were so energetic and happy that you could almost feel the energy they were creating.

Soon Pan stopped playing the pipes "So you can hear the pipes then," He said and I nodded slightly confused.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be able too?" I ask curious, Pan just smiles.

"Because love, my pipes can only be heard by those who are lost, those who feel unloved or unwanted," He said and I nodded.

"I was loved and wanted once, then my mom died and everything changed" I say sadly.

Pan looks at me "That song you were singing yesterday, It was about your mom wasn't it?" He says and I looked shocked.

"You heard that?" I say embarrassed that he heard it, I felt my cheeks heating up.

"Love the whole camp heard it," He says and my cheeks get redder.

"I didn't write it, my favorite singer back home did. His name is Ed Sheeran, he wrote it about his grandmother but its one of his songs that I can relate to the most," I say looking at the ground "She might not have been my biological mother but I think she also came from the enchanted forest because she didn't freak when she found out what I could do," I continued letting out a heavy sigh.

Pan puts his hand on my shoulder "What the lost children suffer most when they first get here it dealing with their past, in order to enjoy your time here you need to look past what happened in your earlier life to make room for a better future," He says and I look up at him.

"You're very wise for someone who can be mean at times," I replied letting out a hearty laugh.

"I'm not mean love, I'm fair. You should go get some rest, we are going to annoy Hook tomorrow, so you'll need your strength," He says before getting up.

The lost boys were going back to their tents, one by one they began to clear out so I figured that I shall retire to my tent as well. Once in my tent I changed into some pajamas and laid down on my bed, it took forever to fall asleep but after a few hours I was finally able to fall asleep. As I dozed off I was wondering what Captain Hook was going to be like, well I guess that I'll find out tomorrow.....

Peter's showing a bit of a soft side there don't you think, maybe Nyla is rubbing off on him. I hope you like it and thanks for reading my story.


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