Chapter 18

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Nyla's p.o.v

We were waiting for Hook to get his ship ready so to pass the time Rosie wanted to go to the park. "Are we going to the park now?" she says pulling on my pant leg and I picked her up placing her on my hip.

"Yes baby girl we're going to the park now," I say and she smiles.

"Can Peter come too?" she says with puppy dog eyes and I giggled.

"Why don't you go ask him ok," I say putting her down and she runs over to Peter who was sitting across the camp. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"Will you come to the park with us?" I hear her say as she hugs his leg "sure princess" he said then told Felix he was in charge till we got back.

"Yay we're going to the park!" Rosie yells while running back over to me pulling Peter by his arm.

"Now dont break him Rosie," I say laughing and she left go of his hand.

She takes my hand and we begin walking towards the park "uppie" she says letting go of my hand and lifting her arms up. I bent down and picked her up and set her on my hip, then we continued walking to the park.

As we were approaching the park an arm snaked around my waist, I looked up to see Peter smiling down at me so I smiled back. "Look at the duckies," Rosie says pointing at the ducks swimming in the pond. We walked over to the railing and I set Rosie so she was standing on the railing.

Peter held her up so she wouldn't fall "Are there duckies in Neverland?" she asks staring up at us with a smile.

"I'm not sure baby girl, do you want duckies in Neverland?" I say and she nods.

"Yes, they are so cute," she giggles and peeks over the railing again.

"Do you want to feed them?" Peter asks smiling down at the little girl and she nods "yes"

Smiling I waved my hand and a bag of bread appears in my hand "Ok just break it up and throw it in the water," I tell her and she does it.

The ducks all swim over fighting for who got the bread "It's ok duckies I've got food for evwryone," she says and throws more bread into the water.

"Your daughter is so cute," we heard someone say and I turned to see a little old lady who was smiling at us.

I smiled back at her and blushed "thank you, shes my little sister though," I say and the lady laughs.

"Well my mistake, but she's still the cutest little girl I've ever seen," she says with a kind look.

"Tank you" Rosie says as she gets down from the railing and walks over to the lady "I'm Rosie" she says holding out her hand and the lady smiles.

"Nice to me you, I'm Marleigh (pronounced Marlee)" she says taking Rosie's hand and shakes it.

After a few minutes of Rosie talking to Marleigh I heard Felix's horn in the distance "Rosie, it's time to go home now," Peter says picking up Rosie as she said goodbye to her new friend.

Peter takes my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked to the docks "That's the cutest old lady I've ever seen," Rosie says as we were approaching the town.

"That's the only old lady you've seen love," I say as Peter puts her down and she takes both of our hands. She swung in between us as we walked through the town to the docks, the sun was setting behinds us casting our shadows to the side, well mine and Rosie's shadows. I know one thing though, even if I really like this cute town, I can't wait to get back to Neverland. Hopefully we can get rid of the dark one and finally live in peace.

I hope you like it and thanks for reading


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