Chapter 16

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Nyla's p.o.v

We got to the camp as fast as we could and saw the dark one. He tied up all the lost boys and poor Rosie "Get away from them" I yell, venom seeping through my words as I spoke with gritted teeth.

"Or what?" the dark was says walking in front of us.

"Or I'll unleash hell," I say with a smirk. Damn it Peter's rubbing off on me and I don't like it one bit. I'm more of a lovely not a fighter.

"Careful dearie," he says and he aims magic at us. Like a reflex my hands shot up and pure white magic shot majestically from my hands pushing his magic back.

My magic blasts him and he steps back "What do you want grandpa?" Henry says from beside me, kid definitely has alot of bravery and courage. God bless him.

"Well my dear boy, I need a heart," he says and in a flash he's in front of Peter, he drives his hand in his chest and Peter groans on pain.

"Nooo" Rosie yells from her bonds, Rumple pulls out Peter's heart and flashes a ways away. Slowly he begins crushing it and Peter falls to the ground clutching his chest.

He falls on the ground just as Rumple crushes his heart into dust and disappears. "Nooo!!" I say falling down beside Peter and placing his head in my lap, I sat there a few seconds crying before I had an idea. I took a deep breath and shoved my hand in my chest, everyone was watching me carefully as I took my heart out. I muttered a spell then carefully broke my heart in two. Then I shoved one half back into my chest and the other half into Peter's.

I rubbed his hair hopping it would work, I closed my eyes and hung my head when I heard a gasp for breath.

I opened my eyes to see Peter's eyes shoot open as his breathing picks up. "Nyla," he says and I smile.

"I'm right here," I say helping him sit up and I flung my arms around him "Thank god it worked," I mumbled into his chest as Peter wraps his arms around me.

After a few seconds we pull away and he gives me a confused look "What happened Nye?" he says wiping the tears from my eyes with his thumb.

"You died," I say slightly shaking.

"Well then how?" he says but I cut him off.

"Half of my heart," I say and he looks astonished.

We both stood up everyone still watching us, but the lost boys and Rosie were now free from their bonds "But how can that be possible?" he says still confused as to how I saved his life.

"True love" Snow says "David and I share a heart" she says walking up to us.

"You love me, but I'm a monster," he says shocked and I sighed.

"Yes I love you Peter and you aren't a monster. A monster wouldn't have rescued Rosie or given children a place to start over, where they are loved and have a family they care for. What you did in the past is done but like you told me, you have to let go of the past to have a brighter future. If Regina was able to turn her life around, then you can too," I say placing my hand on his cheek.

He leans into my touch "I love you too Nyla," he says pulling me into him and placing his lips on mine, the kiss was soft and sweet, it also happened to be my first kiss not that I'm complaining.

It felt like fireworks were erupting in my stomach, but there was also real fireworks going off, I think it was Emma's doing.

"Who knew the bloody demon could love," Hook says ruining the moment, stupid Hook.

"Shut up codfish and let them have their moment," Felix says going back to his sassy self. Gotta love my best friend.

We pulled away and smiled at eachother "Now we have to find a way back to Neverland," Peter says and Rosie comes up and tackles his leg in a hug.

He picks her up "Yes I wanna go home Peter, I miss the mermaids and the pretty flowers and playing hide and seek with Rue, Felix and Micheal," she says placing her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry my sweet Rosie, I'll get us home," he says rubbing her back "because Peter Pan never fails,"........

I had fun writing this chapter, I hope you like it and thanks for reading.


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