I picked it up and walked out of the room and into the one where Sasuke said he would be.

"Sasuke?" I knocked on the door. I heard sniffs from inside and a sob before he said: "come in!"

I opened the door to see Sasuke holding a piece of paper that had wet blotches on it. A box with things was on the bed behind him.

The room was very simple. White walls, a black bed, white night tables, and a black dresser, there was nothing else in the room.

"A-are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm fine. What do you want." He sneered.

"I saw this necklace in the room and..." I trailed off.

"It belonged to Konan. You can have it. She wanted to give this necklace to the person who found it after her death. So it belongs to you now." He said.

"How do you know?" I cocked a brow at him.

"It's written in this letter." He showed me a paper where indeed, was written that the necklace belonged to the first person who saw it after Konan's death.

There were also other names such as Deidara, Sasori, Hidan, and many more who wanted that their things be kept in the same position they were after died.

I left the room and changed into my training outfit, a grey sports bra with a mesh top over it and grey dancing shorts.

"Sasuke, where can I train?" I asked as I saw him leave his room.

~3rd person POV~

Sasuke left his room and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat. He hadn't taken two steps when Hinata's soft voice stopped him.

"Sasuke, where can I train?" She asked. She was in a very exposing top (A/n only Sasuke thinks that. Its a very normal sports bra) and shorts that were too short for his comfort.

"You should eat first or else you'll pass out." Sasuke turned his head away, a deep blush forming on his face that he managed to hide.

Hinata followed Sasuke into the kitchen like a lost puppy and found some unexpired products such as rice and a few other things. There were pots and pans in a cabinet and Hinata whipped up steamed rice and served it with the packaged curry she had brought with her.

"Lunch is ready." She put a plate in front of Sasuke and sat across him with her plate.

Sasuke was surprised at how fast Hinata had thought of something for them to eat.

After lunch, Sasuke showed Hinata the training ground. It was a very big field with lots of training equipment such as kunai, shuriken, dummies, etc.

Hinata practiced the Hyuga clan techniques while Sasuke trained his Sharingan and practiced his jutsus.

"Do you not know anything other than the Hyuga clan techniques?" Sasuke asked after a while of watching her.

"No. I don't. I only know the clan's techniques." Hinata answered honestly.

"Do you know your chakra nature?" He asked.

"I don't." She hung her bead. She had concentrated so much on her clan's techniques, she hadn't practiced anything with her chakra nature.

Sasuke sighed and took out a chakra induced paper carefully so his hand wouldn't touch it. He used a tissue paper he had and looked at Hinata.

"Direct some of your chakra into this paper." He said and gave Hinata the paper.

She took it and pushed some of her chakra into it. The paper wrinkled and then ignited, turning into ash.

"So you have fire and lightning, just like me." He mused. "Do you want me to teach you some basic jutsus of your chakra type?" Sasuke didn't know why, but he found himself offering to train her in her ninjutsu.

"Yes!" Hinata shrieked. Sasuke nodded and did some hand signs. "Fire style: fireball Jutsu!" A huge flame came out of his mouth.

"You have to do these hand signs," Sasuke told her the hand signs since he only had one hand and had to use different hand signs,!which she grasped in a few seconds, "then you inhale as much as you can,"  he inhaled, "and then you release." He exhaled.

"Okay, I think I get it." Hinata flashed through the hand signs, "Fire style: fireball Jutsu!" A medium-sized fireball escaped her lips. She sighed and hung her head, what a shame she was.

"I'm proud of you Hinata."

Her father's words replayed through her head, giving her all the strength she needed.

"Please train me Sasuke-san! I really want to become more adept in ninjutsu!" She turned to Sasuke with fire burning in her eyes.

Sasuke was shocked, he couldn't believe she didn't know such easy things.

"Fine, but it'll be tough." He quietly said.

"Train your fireball jutsu until it becomes double the size." He instructed and went to train in taijutsu.

Hinata kept practising until it was double, maybe even bigger, the size.

"Sasuke! I did it!!" She turned around to where Sasuke was practising his taijutsu. His shirt was on the floor, letting Hinata see his muscular chest.

Hinata's face turned red and she almost passed out.

"Very good. Show me." He said broodingly.

Hinata did as she was told and did the Jutsu. "Not bad at all. You're getting the hang of it."

"I'm gonna take a shower and prepare dinner now." Hinata excused herself, leaving a very confused Sasuke behind.

"What's up with her?" He mused.

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