13 - Window

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Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip.
The sound of dripping water unto a little pool of water woke me up. My eyes were open, but my vision was blurry for a while. Everything around me was a blur for a short moment before clearing up again. When I realized where I was, my heart sunk painfully. Thoughts rushed through my head as I started to regain my memories from two nights ago. I can't believe my Father would do that to me. I was his fucking daughter! I was only a child! I was only a child... A scratchy roar left my mouth as I attempted to get up from the chair one again. In the midst of my aggressive thrashing, warm tears started to sting the side of my eyes before rolling down both sides of my face. I couldn't imagine this ever happening to me. The kidnapping, the molestation, the hypnotism. I thought this all happened in movies and maybe I am naive. Maybe I'm just like Vega, naive and stupid.
A nauseating feeling rumbled in my stomach as Tori Vega popped into my head. Her body on mine, our hands intertwined as the afternoon sun shone through my balcony. Her laugh and smile and even her annoying southern belle accent which she doesn't actually have, but I like to annoy her with it.

"Mrs. Jones, we may have a lead on the investigation. " Detective Vega spoke.
"W-What does that mean?" The blonde questioned hopefully with red, tear-stained eyes.
"It means that we have found some new information on your daughter's kidnapping. We have surveillance footage from some stores that were around that night and found the face of Phillip Jensen and Jade getting into a black van. It seemed like a black Toyota. We tracked down the plate number and followed video surveillances of the van on the move. We eventually followed the tracks to another store and watched surveillance there too. We saw them drive down the road multiple times to confuse us knowing there are cameras. So, we tracked this Jensen man and talked to his wife. She understood what was happening and we gave her full police protection in return she gave us his phone numbers so we can track down your daughter."
She jumped from her chair with warm tears rolling down her face before engulfing the detective in a hug.
"Thank you so much, please do continue looking for my daughter. She doesn't know anything and I really want her to stay safe and out of this mess." She huffed.
"Mrs. Jones, I know you're going through a tough time right now," Detective Vega looked up at the saddened mother. "but I suggest you tell Jade the truth. That is, if she doesn't know it already."

"What do you want from me?" I coughed out. Carlos just continued walking around me before taking a picture of my bruised face and working on his phone.
"Who did you send it to?" I asked. He looked up at me through his glasses and put down his bat by the door.
"I sent it to your father. You're guarantee that he brings me my fucking money." He smirked. "The more I hurt you, the faster he brings my dinero!" Carlos chuckled before untying my legs from the chair and pulling me up. He pushed me to a barrel that was pushed to the wall with more barrels. He made me bend over on one and a horrific smell was steaming from one of the barrels.
"Ooh! Do you smell that?" He questioned.
"W-What is that?!" I shouted trying to get his hands off me.
"Oh, now Jade relax and meet Denise. She'll be your friend soon." Carlos then opened the barrel next to the one I was bent over on and the smell was pure death. He revealed to me a decomposing body of a girl with blonde hair. Her skin was white with a green tint and her eyes were white. Her lips blue as there was no oxygen in her body and her fingernails that were clutched on to the side of the barrel were black. I started to cry, but this was out of real fear and desperation. I didn't mind the sweating, I'd forgotten the rape, but I didn't want to die. My head turned over instinctively and I thrashed, but it was no use. I'm not Sam and I can't get away from this situation using quick wit and confidence. His big hands worked well together, the one held my hands in place as the other slipped my pants down. He used his legs as a barrier for my legs to stay opened. I screamed before her bent over and cupped my mouth.
"This won't hurt. You're probably not even a virgin anymore." He chuckled sinisterly in my ear before I felt him slide in me. My screams never stopped although muffled. Tears kept on rolling down my face as he forcefully slipped in and out of me. The smell of the rotting corpse, the violent and sick man and the moon... The moon shone above me through the window that was very high up. I looked up and the brutal hits behind me were numbing away, my cries were tuned out and I felt like I could finally understand that it was helping me. Maybe that's why I loved to smoke by the window in my room or out my balcony at night - the moon gave me strength to handle whatever I was going through because it knows I've been through worse and even then it gave me power to get through the hard situation like now. Carlos pulled out and I heard him groan seconds after he's pulled out. He put on my pants and threw me on the floor. I fell head down first and felt a small jiggle my brain did. Wincing in pain, I opened my eyes and he stood on top of me, watching me with his sunken, brown eyes. Before I could say anything, I heard the metal door bang open. I couldn't move my head and I was afraid to because of the movement my brain did.
"I-I have the five thousand, Carlos. I promise to-to bring you the rest of the five thousand. Please let my baby girl go... I let you see her, I let you hold on to her for guarantee but I-I-I can't currentlt find the other five thousand dollars. Please, give me more time, but let her --"
"Go wait in my office, James." He ordered in a low voice, his eyes still burning through my skull.
"P-Please let her g--"
"MY OFFICE! AHORA!" Carlos shouted. My father ran out the room and Carlos just lit a cigarette he had in his pocket and took a good look at me one last time before walking out.

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