23 - Ride Along and Anniversaries

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FIRSTLY! I'm sorry for the huge time gap, I just really hate summer and can no longer write about it. It's the same for song-writing too like I had to write a song about summer romance two years ago and it did not go well like I struggled cuz I hate writing about summer and summer in general so just to get ya'll caught up on the gang, not much happened but Beck did go to Canada for a couple of weeks with his family, Sam and Cat did end up going to Seattle and meeting Spencer, Freddie and Gibby. This is important too so keep that in mind ;) uhm, Jade and Tori just chilled a lot like they were chilling in Jade's studio and going to places with Jade's parents. Jacob's birthday was simple, at home with a medium sized cake and now we're in the beginning of September, school's back and there are new adventures ! This chapter is based off of season 3 episode 6 except we'll make Jori a couple here.

It's the first week of school and so far I'm not hating it. Sinjin and I texted to meet up at the end of the day in the library to get the stuff. After retrieving my things from Sinjin, I threw him a twenty then walked off to find my girlfriend. Going to the lockers, I find Tori standing there with Cat.
I turn to her and give her a kiss on the cheek before turning to my locker to stuff my books in.
"Jade!" Cat called out with her daydreamy voice.
"What?" I sang carelessly.
"If my brother let's us borrow his car, will you drive Tori and me to an old lady's house after school?" She asked sweetly. I rolled my eyes, my mind going to Sam and her bike. Why couldn't Sam take her to some random old hag's hut?
"No." I bluntly replied and grabbed Tori's hand before attempting to walk away.
"Wait! Please?" Tori pleaded, tugging me back. I stepped back into place and adjusted my bag's strap before listening to what was going on. Tori wrapped her arm around Cat really sadly, "Cat's sad because this actress passed away last, and sh--"
"Woah! She passed away just last night?" I asked alertedly at the sound of death.
"Yeah." They nodded.
"Then, yeah! Yeah, I'll drive you guys to her house." I nodded slowly, toning my voice down to sound less creepy.
"Why'd you change your mind?" Tori asked raising an eye brow.
"Because it's been less than twenty-four hours, which means her spirit is still lingering. So, I'll be able to breathe in the fumes of her soul." I smirked, trying to get a whiff of it from here which didn't work.
"Maybe there's a bus we can take." Tori motioned for her and Cat to walk away.
"No! No, I'll take you. We can leave after sundown." I smirked.
"Why can't we just go after school?"
"I  don't like driving in the daylight!" I exasperated, Tori knew this. I grabbed her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers and wrapped an arm around Cat before walking out to lunch.
We got to our usual table, and I looked over at Tori before smiling at her. She rolled her eyes and stood up.
"You want a burrito?" She asked me.
"Yep, get me a bottle of water too." I nodded hanging her a twenty. She took it and walked away to the food truck before the rest of the gang came to the table.
"Hey, guys." Beck sighed. Andre sat down beside him sharing the same look at us.
"Why do you both look so glum?" Car asked, clutching her bag to her chest.
"Trina has been spreading rumors about me, telling everybody that I asked her out and she kissed me." Beck frowned.
"I think I've got an idea to help you out." I smirked, leaning over the table. "Say more." Andre nodded.
"Well, what if Beck goes over to Tori's and surprises Trina, acting as if he was into her then Andre comes all mad since Beck probably posted on the Slap about the date or something and you start to argue with him, too? Then Robbie can come too and light the fire even more and mess with Trina's head? That way the three of you can drive Trina away."
The boys looked at each other smiling at my devious plan before Tori came back.
"Here's your burrito and water." She smiled, handing me my food and sitting down with her burger and fries.
"Thanks, babe." I kissed her cheek and dug into my food as we continued on with the conversation on how to prepare my hilarious plan.

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