17 - Loving Gestures

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I named the previous chapter Discoveries, but it had nothing to do with what I wrote, mainly cuz I wanted to write an almost 4k+ worded chapter, but I wanted a really sweet chapter, so ignore that, and yeah xD 


School was finally done and I was at home packing, the plane was leaving in four hours and the gang were gonna meet us there. Apparently, Tori told Sam and Cat who then texted Robbie about it who then told Beck who then spoke to Andre. They all got their tickets the next day and eventually told me they were gonna come along. My mom and Jacob told me it'd be great to bring them along that way they would be able to roam around by themselves without having to worry about Tori and I. As I packed my shoes, Needed Me by Rihanna was blasting through my speakers. 
"But baby, ooo, you needed me!" I sang along. Tori managed to get me to wear more colours than just blue, dark blue, dark purple or turquoise and get my hair to go back to it's natural hair colour. She bought me black shorts with white stripes on the side, a white tank top, a red dress, a grey hoodie, dark blue denim jeans, a pastel blue dress and so much more. I packed all of them, and soon enough my doorbell rang. 
"I'll get it!" I shouted out after turning my music down. Opening up my door, I watched as my parents ran around the house to get their things ready. My mom was multi tasking between packing, getting ready and cooking us some food to bring along with us on the plane. I jogged down the stairs then leaped to the door to open it. Tori stood there with her huge ass suitcase beside her as well as a carry on bag. She wore my baggy black Slipknot t-shirt and had black booty shorts underneath paired with a pair of black all stars. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she wore her glasses on her clear skin.
"Hey, Jade! I'm all set for Santorini!" She excitedly cheered. I pulled her in for a kiss and wrapped my arms around her neck. She kissed me back and smiled in to the kiss stifling a giggle.
"You look fine as honey." I complimented, biting my bottom lip with a smile lingering as I twirled Tori around.
"Stop, I look like trash." She giggled.
"Don't say that wearing my best Slipknot t-shirt." I smirked before pulling her in for another kiss.
"Jade, keep your hands to yourself and go pack. How are you, Tori?" Jacob mentioned playfully behind me. I rolled my eyes before chuckling.
"Alright, alright." Tori left her suitcase beside the door and jogged up the stairs behind me before bumping into my mom.
"Tori! Glad you're coming on this with us!" She smiled.
"Thank you for letting me come." Tori replied smiling back. We went up to my room, and shut the door behind us. My room had clothes all over the floor and my bed but Tori made herself comfortable on my bed.
"First time to Greece?" I asked, packing up the little clothes left I put out that I wanted to bring, notificing her big smile.
"Yeah! I've never been and I did some research on Santorini and we should go hike up to the sunset hill in Oia where a magical sunset will be and go through the little nooks and crannies of the place where basically the whole island is like stairs! OH! And we need to ride a donkey and go to the black sanded beach." She grinned. I chuckles and zipped up my suitcase.
"I see you did your research." Pulling out my black messenger bag, I stuffed in my charger, my adaptor, my earphones, speaker, laptop and my portable speaker along with a hoodie for the fully air conditioned airport and plane. When I finished, I turned to Tori and tackled her back down on my bed. I started kissing her neck and her cheeks and forehead and nose profusely. She laughed trying to push me away or hold me still, "Stop--oh my goodness, I can't!"
I ended up pinning her arms down before pecking her nose lightly.
"I really want to just devour you right here, right now..." I whispered seductively on her neck. She took in a sharp breath and exhaled shakily. "But my mom ordered Chinese takeout and want us to eat before we go on the plane." Tori groaned before sitting up, making me do the same. 
"Come on, I got you the fried rice and beef with broccoli you like." I smiled. She gave me a kiss on my cheek and got up behind me as we jogged down the steps. 

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