27 - 3:00am

875 24 15

Another week and I'm still not dead.. I was getting ready to go to school, dreading on the thought of seeing my ex-fiancee. When I was finally ready in some black yoga pants, a pair of black Converse and a black hoodie, I made my way down with my things and walked into the kitchen. Jacob and my Mom were having their usual coffees and breakfast, only this time they had avocado toasts.
"What's this shit?" I asked, picking up the whitest breakfast I've ever seen.
"It's avocado toast. We're trying to eat a little bit healthier today." She smiled, setting a plate of oatmeal cookies on the table.
"I'm going to school." I muttered monotonously and grabbed a cookie.
"Wait, uh Jade.. I was wondering if you have any plans for tomorrow." Jacob mentioned as he placed his Pearpad down.
"Do I look like I have plans, Jacob?" I snapped. My parents turned to each other exchanging a look before I sighed. "I'm sorry.. I don't have any plans tomorrow."
"Okay, well... I'll see you later, baby girl." Jacob nodded slowly.
"Alright. I'll see you both later." I grabbed a twenty from the fruit bowl that was on the island and walked out to the garage.
Getting into my car, my phone started to ring. Slipping it out of my pocket, my heart broke a little bit more when I saw who it was.
' Incoming Call : Wifey ❤ '
I sighed, and hung up as I left it to go to voice mail before pressing shuffle and backing out the driveway. Apologize by One Republic and Timbaland came on as the clouds above me started to form into a grey ball of cotton. It was the same song that played on the radio as I drove away from the Vega house with Sam and Cat. Memories of the past weeks flashed through my mind as I slowly and mindlessly drove the long way to school to delay seeing Tori.

"Jade! Please, don't leave!" Tori shouted as she ran out the house. I immediately locked the door not from her, but from myself. Tori ran over to the car and started knocking on the window. I closed my eyes as I tried not to look at her as this was already too painful for me. I've never felt this way, not even for Beck and yet here we are.
"Jade, please let her in." Cat whimpered.
"Yeah, dude look at her!" Sam interjected from the backseat.
"No." I whispered, and turned the radio up to drown out Tori's voice. The car roared to life before I drove away and took a last glance at her looking at us drive away hopelessly from thr rear view mirror.
We drove in silence for a while through the dark streets of Los Angeles that were only lit by clubs and bars that were open to celebrate the New Year. Cars created traffic on the freeway which I steered clear from, but the sight of the tall buildings and palm trees helped me from exploding into a crying fit. My tears however managed to escape and roll down my cheek and that led to my brows turning up in sadness. My mouth twitched open, but I fought the need to sob and bit my bottom lip.
"J-Jade...Where are we going?" Cat asked sadly.
I didn't say anything as I was thinking now of where to go. I brought these girls with me for what? They could've been having fun at the party, but I dragged them with me.
"Let's go grab a bite." I said, my voice cracking a little bit.
"No, just.. Just pull over." Sam commanded.
"What? N--"
"I said pull over!" She shouted. I didn't say a word, but instead found a closed gas station and pulled over there to fill my car up with gas and take a breather. The car came to a halt and we all exited from inside. Sam and Cat shut the door and walked over to me as I lit a cigarette from my pack and let the tears fall silently.
"Jade, what happened?" Cat asked quietly.
"N-Nothing, just leave me alone." I croaked, trying to sound harsh but my voice wouldn't come out without cracking.
"Dude... What the hell even happened? Honestly, you and Tori looked like shi..." Sam slowly stopped and glanced over at Cat before turning to me. "Shiz."
"Ugh.. I- I don't know.. Everything went so well, and I - Did I fuck up? I don't.. I don't know!" I cried. My tears were now pouring and sobs were flowing out my mouth. I fell down to the ground beside my car and bowed my head into my arms that were crossed across my knees. Cat squatted down level and wrapped her small arms around me. My heart broke as I relived what I saw at the party and I felt vulnerable in Cat's arms.
"SAM! What are you doing?!" Cat questioned furiously.
"What? Oh, no I'm genuinely worried about Jade, but... This taco is really good." Sam confessed with a full mouth before I felt a hand tap the back of my head.
"And where did you get that taco?" Cat asked annoyed.
"By the gas nozzles over there... What? It was wrapped in foil!"
"Ugh, anyway.. Jade, what happened?" The red headed child asked me as she slowly pried my hands away from my face. I started to explain as Sam filled the car up with gas and by the end of the story, Cat was crying in front of me.
"So... You're not getting back with Tori?" She asked sadly. I honestly didn't know how to answer and honestly, I wasn't even sure. I was sure though that I was not capable of saying no to Tori and that I was going to be the one to drag myself back into a relationship which was practically broken.
"I.. I don't think so." I answered emotionlessly.
"I'm so sorry, dude.. I honestly didn't expect this like you and Tori were inseperable and I didn't even notice her acting all weird and shiz." Sam consoled.
"I mean... I'm not even sure what happened. Now, all I can think of was whenever she would be texting on her phone or saying she would call her parents if she was lying." I frowned sadly. "What do I do?" I asked hopelessly as my heart broke in my hands.
"I think you need to go home and get some rest and talk to her whenever you're ready about this and how you'd like to continue this relationship and if you want to... Or, if you want, Mama can take care of this the hard way." Sam winked. I shook my head and stood up from the ground to get into the car and the girls followed suit. After paying for gas, I got in the car and saw Cat holding my phone anxiously.
"Is it Tori?" I asked.
"Yeah.." She sighed.
"How many times?"
"Give it to me." She handed me my phone and I turned it to airplane mode before letting the music play. If I Could I Would Feel Nothing by Blackbeard started to play as I drove out the gas station. We got back on the road and all I wanted to do was eat my feelings and delay going home since that's where Tori would look for me. Cat crawled to the back of the car and ended up playing and talking with Sam as I lit up a cigarette since she knew I didn't like smoking in front of her. My vision would get blurry every now and then from the tears that would pool up in my eyes, but I'd quickly wipe them away as I drove to Ancho's for some Mexican food.
I decided to take the long way by the beach to keep my mind off of things and I wasn't in a hurry either ways.
'Cuz if I could I would feel nothing,
That's the truth and I don't care, baby
That's the truth and I don't care
Mix prescriptions, bad decisions
World is cold and life's not fair, baby
World is cold and life's not fair
I'm gon' make you fall for me
You'll never get a call for me
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
No feelings, no strings attached, girl
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
It's all good, I wanted that
No feelings, no strings attached
No feelings, no strings attached, girl'

3:00am // Jori fan fic Where stories live. Discover now