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(Y/n)'s P.O.V~


"Hm?" I checked my phone to get a message from an unknown number.


I quickly opened it.

Jake: Hey! Did you get home safe?

You: I'm not home yet but I'm close tho, thanks for
you know, asking lmao

Jake: lol anytime

You: Hey I'll text you later I'm stepping into the
main front porch

Jake: Alright!

I opened his message and turned off my phone, slipping it in my back pocket from my jeans.

I opened the front door just to see Jeff and BEN watching TV, obviously bored.

Sally was on the floor playing with her dolls, "(Y/n)!" She noticed me enter. She placed her dolls down and quickly went to give me a welcome hug. I hugged her back, "What do you have there?" She pointed to the bag that I had on my hands.

I showed her, "It's the makeup! I promised you the makeover didn't I?"

Her smile grew widely, "Yeah!"

"Let's go to your room then" I smiled back again her. She grabbed my hand and skipped upstairs.

"(Y/n)" Liu's voice was heard from behind me, I turned around, "Hey dad! Sally here, wait for me in your room" I gave her the bag and she rushed to her room.

"Where were you? I didn't see you leave the mansion earlier" He asked, "Sorry, you were getting.. You know.."

"Yes, stitched up" He chuckled.

"Yeah, and I didn't want to disturb anything with EJ so I owed Sally a makeover and decided to buy some new makeup for the makeover and just some new things for me." I explained.

He nodded, "Alright, just let me know please (Y/n)" He waved and walked away.

Wow. He didn't get mad at me for sneaking out, yay!

I walked to Sally's room and she already had the makeup layed out in her bed, "I'm ready!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I nodded and took out my phone to put on some music while I did her makeup.

She didn't mind what type of music I played so I played (Choice of artist/music/band/group) and quickly texted Jake.

You: I'm back! I'm about to do Sally's makeup

It didn't take long enough before Jake texted back.

Jake: Show me when you're done, I wanna see
just how good you are XD

You: Alright lmao

"(Y/n) hurryyy!" Sally complained.

I laughed, "Okay okay I'm going" I placed my phone down and began to open the cosmetics.

We began to talk about stuff and she told me some secrets such as how she ate LJ candy, Masky's cakes, stole some of Helen's art supplies and Toby's waffles.

Homicidal Liu x Child Reader Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang