The Makeup

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Jake's P.O.V~

We stayed in the hugging position both not wanting to let go. Do I really miss her? She killed my parents. This doesn't seem right, I have to kill her before they kill me.. But how do I do that? I'll hurt her if I betray her.

But she betrayed me first.

(Y/n) pulled out of the hug, "Jake are you okay?" She looked at my eyes.

"Yeah, sorry, anyways where were you going?" I changed subject.

She smiled, "Well I was going to go to the mall to buy some makeup for a makeover I owed to a little girl.. But I can't go to that mall I always went to since I got caught"

He nodded, "I know another mall I always go to and they don't give a shit there. Wanna go?"

She lighten up, "Yeah let's go!"


It didn't take long to get there especially since I knew a short cut that lead to the mall.

"Here we are!" We made it.

We both went in and there was a lot of people there which was good since it'd be busy. "So makeup right?" We stopped in front of the map. "There's a NYX, Sephora, MAC.."

"Let's go to NYX Cosmetics" She cut me off.

I nodded and we walked there.

"So how did you end up stuck in a makeover?" I chuckled, she shoved me in a playfully manner, "Hey! She just did me a favor so in return she just asked me to do her makeup since I know how to."

"You know how to do makeup?" I asked quite shook. Back in the days she didn't care about makeup and girls with makeup.

"Dude yes I do, look I did my eyebrows and my liner" She pointed to her face.

I laughed, "Okay okay I get it!" We reached our destination and entered the store. I don't know anything about makeup so I followed (Y/n) since she knew what she was doing.

"Oh wow look at these colors! They're really bright" I pointed to a little box thingie, "Yeah that's a pallette" She answered.

"....Yeah that"

She laughed, "Okay here's what I'm going to get I'm going to get primer, foundation, concealer, contour, eyeshadow, liquid lipsticks, eyebrow pencil, highlight, blush maybe, eyeliner, mascara, a pair of eyelashes and setting spray"

I stood there, "I'll wait for you outside"

"Jake!" She laughed.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me further into the store, "Okay so I need a foundation that's in a shade that matches her skin"

"Okay how am I suppose to know what she looks like?" I stated bluntly.

She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her camera roll, "Yeah, I have a picture of her, here now help me" She handed me her phone and saw a picture of the little girl.

She was really pale so then she needed to get that thingie in a light shade. What was it called? Foundation? Confusing.

(Y/n) grabbed a product and I was guessing that it was the foundation, she got some on her hand and rubbed it. She examined it before looking at me, "Hey you think this would match her?"

I took her phone and placed at next to her hand that had the product, "Yeah, I think right?" She looked at the comparison, "Yeah"

She placed the foundation on a basket and walked somewhere else.

We've been here for about 15 minutes before she was almost done, "Jake!" She called out for me. I groaned, "Yes?" She had two palettes, both of them were bright colors.

"Which one do you think is better? This one?" She showed me one that had bright pinks, "or this one?" She showed me the other one that had bright blues. "She's a little girl and I honestly think the pink ones would look pretty with her green eyes"

She looked at me in disbelief, "Omg Jake! You're so good at this!" She laughed.

"No, I just know because I'm into art! I know what matches and what doesn't!" I blushed.

She smiled at me before heading to the cashier to pay.

I sighed. I can't let this happen..

Why am I starting to like her again? I'm not suppose to. I need to kill her as soon as possible in order to end my suffering..

I would've been living like a normal teen if I haven't met her.

Fuck! Fuck you (Y/n) for confusing the shit out of me!

I began to have a mental breakdown.

"Jake? Are you okay?" A hand was placed in my shoulder. I quickly pushed it away, "N-no!"

I came back to reality.


"(Y/n)! L-let's go.." I grabbed her hand a walked out of the store. Once we were in the woods I began to calm down, "Jake are you okay?"

I looked at her, "Yeah I'm okay, you should get going before your dad begins to worry" She checked her phone, "Ah you're right! Wait Jake can I have your number? Just so we can stay in touch"

I nodded and we exchanged numbers, "Thanks Jake I'll text you once I get home, bye!" She hugged me and took off running back home.


I watched her disappear into the woods.

"I should get going too.."


Do any of you guys know any good anime y'all can recommend me? 🤔


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