Storytime (Update, Not Important)

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Lol I'mma do some story times just cause

So this happened on Saturday during a 15 party.

A 15 party is a Mexican tradition where a girl turns 15 and they throw a huge party with the birthday girl in a beautiful dress and dances with her parents and chambalanes (boys). It's basically celebrating the birthday girl that is no longer a little girl, but a young lady.

It's a Quinceañera and it's kinda like a sweet 16.

ANYWAYS. I went to one with just me and my mom cause her friends invited her over so we went. I was really bored basically cause I just sat there on my phone doing nothing.

Sometimes this little kid that I know wanted to dance with me cause the kid has a crush on me so I sometimes did go and danced with him. But keep in mind that I can't dance at all!

So he taught me simple steps but then I went to sit back down and be bored again.

It was like 11 pm at night and a lot of people were starting to leave but we stayed a bit longer so I continued to be bored while my mom danced with her friends.

So I was just sitting down and then this dude.

This random ass dude.

Comes up to me and stretches his hand towards me and smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back cause I didn't know who this man was.

He offered his hand and he like;

Dude: You want to dance?
Me: Oof, sorry man I don't know how to dance
Little girl: Yeah sorry she can't dance
Dude: That's alright I'll teach you
Me: *rape face* I don't know how to dance tho
Dude: Come on, I'll teach you
Me: Ehhh..

And he still kept smiling at me with his hand towards me, basically he was waiting for me to say yes and take his hand. So my dumbass went and took his hand.

So then he pulled me to the dance floor and he placed his hand on my waist while I placed my hand on his shoulder. At first I hesitated to hold his hand but he took it and we danced.

So like I said. I CAN'T DANCE AT ALL.

Everytime I'd be stepping on his shoes every now and then which was so embarrassing. I was like saying sorry all the time and he just laughed.

I was glad he had the patience with me cause I was like messing up all the time.

So the song was over and I was happy.

Me: 'ThAnK gOd!' I'mma go sit down now
Dude: Let's dance to the next one
Me: Umm..
Dude: Come on, please

I stood there not knowing what to say, I was going to say no but the next song started and he pulled me again and we danced.

Again I kept stepping on his shoes and I kept saying sorry like always.

While we danced he made talk with me;

Dude: Are you from here?
Me: Oh, yeah I'm from here but my parents are from Mexico
Dude: That's nice, how old are you?
Me: Um.. I just turned 15 what about you?
Dude: I'm 19

I was like "oh" and we danced.

The song was over and another song played. But this song was one where you have to dance close together.

So he pulled me close.

Like literally.. CLOSE!

I panicked and I quietly and secretly tried to pull away but I couldn't.

Also, I didn't want to be rude, lol fml.

Dude: What's your name?
Me: I'm Blanca but people just call me Nathalie..
Dude: That's pretty, I'm Dee (lmao that's not his real name I just don't wanna give other information also I forgot his name cause I was THAT nervous)

I nodded and we kept dancing.

So then we danced to Zapatiado which I didn't know how.

He taught me and that one was easier so we danced side to side.

Meaning he held my waist and danced right next to me, I had to place my hand around his shoulder but since he was tall and I was short I could BARELY reach him.

We danced and my mom saw me dancing with this Dee stranger and she gave me a poker face which made me even more scared.

The dude noticed and he was like what?

I told him that my mom was watching me and he said that it was okay.

So then it was like 1 am and we had to be out of the building so he wanted to know my phone number.

I gave it to him.


And if you do I'mma smack y'all!

He smiled and waved goodbye.

My mom held me close and I didn't tell her about it until later cause he texted me saying that he wanted to see me again and get to know each other better.

So I told my mom and she was mad, sure, but she scolded me about why I gave him my number.

She wasn't that mad but she relaxed and everything.

She told me to ignore him.

So I did. I ignored his messages.

And the next day he kept texting me stuff like, "Hey princess" And stuff like that.

I was like "Boi do you go around calling every girl a princess!? Uh I think the fuck not"

I obviously didn't text him that cause I had to ignore him. I then blocked his number. So my mom's friend told me to ignore him cause he's bad.

She knows him and she told me that he's older and he thinks differently than me. I understood what she was trying to tell me and she told me that he was a. ..



UGH! I lost it. I fucking lost it. I was like "Wtf what's up with boys now a days? Boys are so fucking fake you can't even be with one without them being a fuckboy.

And basically the moral to this story is: Don't fall in love until you're like 25 or older. Or just don't fall in love at all 😂

I got mad obviously cause I danced and gave my number to a boy that'll just waste my time and hurt me.

The struggle really is real.

But yeah I'm going to stay single for the rest of my life and die a happy women, lmao

Anyways sorry this wasn't a new chapter but I just wanted to let this out and hopefully connect with a few of you guys that I dunno.. Happen to experience the same thing?

I dunno 😂



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