You Have Me

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It was a long performance, to say the least. Time slowed more than I ever thought possible. Time wanted me to suffer in pain, to etch markings onto my skin telling me I had no control. And I don't. I have no control over what happens around me, my world spiraling out of control like a tornado whipping around destroying everything in its path. 

I didn't enjoy the show as much as I usually do. I plowed through, a fake smile on my face. I couldn't let the audience know that I would rather be at home. I seem odd the feel that way, theatre is my life, and I love performing more than anything but I just can't when I know someone I love is hurt. 

Seventeen songs later, I was finally taking my bow. There were no dorky smiles this time though. I did get a cheer from Will mum, but other than that everyone kept their mouths shut and I'm not surprised. I missed a few cues, sang off-key and overall did not put the best into my performance. 

Whilst the rest of the cast danced on stage, rather badly from some people, I ran off stage and made my way down to the dressing room. It was peculiar, it was so placid backstage - more than usual. The murmur of sound coming from the stage was only paired with the clicking of my boots. It was really strange. It was so still. 

Like the evenings previous, I got unchanged, hanging my costume on a hanger and placing it on the railing. I slid my boots just underneath it and placed my accessories in my bag that I kept backstage. I sat down with a sigh, conflicted with what to do next. 

I wanted to go home, to find out what happened this morning, but at the same time, I didn't want to go anywhere near the apartment. I was one for avoiding situations that I didn't like, cowering in the shadows like a stray dog - unsure of where to go. 

With all thinking I was doing, I hadn't noticed the girls file into the room until Georgia tapped me on the shoulder. She was wiping her face, getting rid of all her 'dirt'. "Are you okay Grace?"

I sucked in a breath and stared at my face in the mirror. A recognizable frown had overcome my lips. "Just avoiding the situation." I slightly laughed, hoping it would release any tension. As much as I hoped it would, It did not. 

Georgia sat on my station, blocking my horrible reflection in the mirror, staring me up and down. She grabbed a makeup wipe and began wiping my face, somewhat melting the mask that covered me away. "You're going to be fine, you know why?" 

I shook my head. I had no idea how I was going to be okay, and as much as I hated to admit it - I had little faith that Georgia could convince me otherwise. 

"It's because they love you." I looked up at her as she continued to wipe my face down, "They wouldn't have adopted you otherwise." Was Georgia right? I don't know. But I wanted to believe it. "And they will always make sure you're okay." 

She finished wiping my face and stood up from off of my station. She went over and threw my now wiped away mask in the bin before going back to what she was doing. Maybe she's right. I hope she's right. 

I stood up and flung my blazer back on over my uniform. As I was tying my shoelaces there was a knock on the dressing room door. A voice, a male voice called out to us. "Is everyone decent." 

We all replied with a 'Yes!' before the door was opened to reveal none other than Will. I smiled at him as he made his way to me towering over me despite us being similar heights. "I'm here to take you home." 

"Oh, you don't have to," I said as I stood up to rival his height. I made a move to pick up my bag but he beat me to it. 

"You're coming to mine actually so I should be a good host and take your belongings." He puffed his chest out to seem more 'manly' but as soon as he picked up my bag, it dropped to the floor with a loud thud. "Jesus, what do you have in here?!"

"Just the essentials," I laughed at him. I picked up my second bag and my violin case as I had a lesson that day and exited as Will struggled with my other bag. We paced ourselves slowly down the hallway so that Will's knees didn't buckle from the weight of my bag. "But, why am I staying the night?"

He sighed, obviously failing in his mission to forget why I had to come over. "My mum got a text from Liz, she wants you to stay over whilst she sorts everything out." 

I nodded my head, knowing it was the best thing to do. I was almost relieved that I didn't have to choose my fate this evening and that I was allowed to cower in the shadows for just that little bit longer before having to confront my family. 

We met Will's mum outside in the car park. She gladly took my bags, picking the supposedly heavy bag from Will with one easy, fluid hand motion before placing it in the boot. Both Will and I crawled into the backseat of the car and awaited the rumble of the engine to take us home. 

I laid my head on Will's shoulder, watching as the identical streetlights flashed as we passed them. There in one moment and gone in the next. Will wrapped his arm around me and whispered in my ear. "You're going to be okay." 

"How do you know?" I questioned him, leaning up slightly to reach his eyes, his sparkling, coffee eyes - one's that rivaled my own. 

A smile cornered his lips, a smile that I hoped to look at every day for my entire life. "You have me." 

The words echoed in my head as I placed my head back on his shoulder. 

You have me.  

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