Behind the Curtain

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I stood behind the curtain wings, waiting next to Aaron for the overture to begin to play. I could hear the murmur of voices, waiting for the production to begin. He tapped me on the shoulder to silently get my attention, then pointed to my suspenders. I realized that they were twisted but I couldn't reach my back so Aaron untwisted them for me. His soft hands landed on my shoulders afterward from behind me; I could tell that he was quite nervous but he wasn't going to let it on. 

Soon enough the trumpet players began, and the auditorium went quietly with anticipation. A rig that had Will and Felicity - who was playing Crutchie - was stood on rolled onto the stage as they began their dialogue before belting Santa Fe (prologue). 

Suddenly Aarons' hands fled from shoulders, and I watched as he snook onstage to climb up to where he was going to be singing. Obviously, we didn't have the three towers seeing as it was a school production - but we did have two balconies that wrapped around the stage with multiple types of staircases to reach them. Just before he was going to climb the secret ladder behind the balcony, he indicated for me to follow, only just reminding me that I was supposed to be up there as well. I followed on, with Adam and Joe falling behind me. 

Will and Felicity finished singing and were wheeled off stage, giving Aaron his cue to start speaking. 

"Hey, Albert! Elmer! Specs! Get a move on!" 

"I was havin' the most beautiful dream. My lips is still tingling!" announced Adam.

 "A pretty girl?" Asked Aaron nudging Adam. 

"A leg of lamb," Adam said licking his lips. 

From where I was standing in the shadows waiting for my line, I scanned the rather large crowd of parents and students, and probably some teachers, for Ben, Josh, and Lizzy. I quickly found them sitting in their normal seats. Middle seats, row C. I smiled despite them not knowing I was there. 

Suddenly Adam grabbed Aarons cigar, much to his annoyance. 

"Hey! That's my cigar!" sang Aaron.

"You'll steal another!" proclaimed Adam. 

I quickly appeared from the shadows and observed the scene before singing, "Hey! Look, it's bath time at the zoo!" 

The boys all pouted at me, whilst I simply laughed at their antics before Joe came on and sang, "I thought I'd surprise my mother!"

Then Adam rudely interrupted him rather casually, "If you can find her,"

Abruptly more ensemble members joined us in the spotlight shocking me slightly as I forgot they were there. "Who asked you?" we all asked annoyed at Adam. 

I scuttled away after that, not paying much attention to what was being sung. I made it to my spot on the other side of the balcony to where I was just stood, next to Mare who was playing Jojo. From the shadows, I saw Will and Felicity come out of there hiding spot and sing with Aaron before he rushed off to his place.

The lights came up and we all sung out as brightly as we could. We had all practiced so much for this, hours and hours of rehearsal led up to this moment - and we were finally here. 

We all ran down the towers to be joined by Georgia and Matt to start the small dialogue. I knew how terrified Georgia was for this, she had a breakdown not 10 minutes ago, but as she came out in Matt's arms she looked rather calm. 

"Well, hello, hello, hello beautiful," chirped Lucas.

"Step back Romeo. Nothin' what concerns you here." Will said pushing Lucas backward, looking Georgia. I felt my fists clench slightly. Grace, you will not be jealous. He is ACTING. "Morning miss. Can I interest you in the latest news?"

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