Take My Breath Away

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"Shall we?" He smiled and led her to their table.

As they followed their waiter through the dimly lit lounge, past double glass doors, and into a private dining area—bathed in flowers and candlelight—Liya couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. Nathaniel had gone through all this trouble for her. Why?

Glancing at him, she forced a smile as their eyes met. "Thank you." She breathed, as he pulled the chair out for her.

"Would you like to start off with a glass of wine or perhaps..." The waiter began but Nathaniel interrupted him.

"We'll have a bottle of Boërl & Kroff Brut Rose."

"Yes, sir. Excellent choice." The waiter smiled as he handed them their menus and scurried off to retrieve the bottle of champagne.

"So," She tried to steady her breathing. "Is this a typical first date for you?"

He laughed, sexy and deep, never losing eye contact. "No. This is anything but typical, Aaliyah."

She laughed, nervously; desperate for him to elaborate on the meaning of 'anything but typical.'

"Do you know what you want?" He asked as he studied the menu.

"Oh, uh?" She murmured as her cheeks burned in humiliation. She was thankful he couldn't read her mind. She knew what she wanted alright, but it wasn't on the menu.

"I'm afraid I've never been here before."

"Do you trust me?" He gave her a lopsided grin as his sexy blue eyes burned a hole into her soul.

"Y-e-s." She breathed, suddenly aware of the fact that she felt completely comfortable with a man she'd only met days ago.

"Good." He smiled as he turned his attention to the waiter. Nodding in approval of the $2,200 bottle of champagne, he proceeded to order for her.

"We'll start off with chilled vichyssoise soup. For the main entrée, we will have the roasted organic chicken with black kale, whipped potatoes, and natural pan sauce. Would you also bring us a side of sautéed haricots verts?"

"And for dessert?"

As Nathaniel's blue eyes held hers, he smiled and said, "We'll hold off on the dessert—for now."

'For now?' Aaliyah sighed as the cloud she'd been riding since the moment Nathaniel picked her up, suddenly disintegrated, sending her spiraling down toward reality.

Did he actually think he could buy his way into her bed with an expensive bottle of champagne, dinner, and a few compliments? Kaitlyn was right. She wasn't ready for this.

As her survival instincts kicked in, and she was seconds away from standing and giving him some half-ass excuse for why she had to leave, he redeemed himself.

"I'm sorry Aaliyah. That didn't come out the right way. I hope you don't think I was implying that..."

"It's ok, Nathaniel." She exhaled in relief.

An awkward silence followed.

Liya's mind raced. What was the protocol for dating a billionaire? Is everything on the table or are some topics taboo? God! Why was she making this so difficult? There was only one question she wanted answered, and she didn't care if it made her look desperate. She needed to know.

"Can I ask you something, Nathaniel?" She sighed, twisting her fingers until they ached.

"Anything." He smiled warmly.

Taking a deep breath, she began. "Why am I here?" The look of hurt on his face made her regret her candor but she had to know.

Admittedly, she was letting her fear get the best of her, but she was falling for him—fast and wanted to spare herself the heartache. If this was just sex for him, she'd rather find out sooner than later.

"Aaliyah," he reached across the table and cupped her hand between his. The sensation of his skin on hers sent pure adrenaline through every nerve in her body.

"You're here... because I can't stop thinking about you."

Gasping, as if the air had been vacuumed from the room, Aaliyah was speechless.

"From the moment we met," he continued. "I knew there was something about you; something different. I wanted to..., No..., I needed... to know you."

"Nathaniel, I...I..."

"I'm not just speaking in a physical sense. I want to know what your favorite cereal is. What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? Why did you move to New York after college? Who broke your heart and made you afraid to love again? And most importantly, how I can become a part of your world?"

Aaliyah sat still, paralyzed by Nathaniel's confession. True, she felt a connection to him—one so strong it scared her. While her instincts told her to run—get as far away from him as she could; the genuine look of longing in his eyes held her in place.

"Nathaniel, this is all too much; too fast. I'm not ready..."

"I understand," he looked down at their hands. "I'm not asking for all this in one night. I know it will take time to earn your trust, and I'm willing to wait—forever if need be."

Aaliyah fought back the tears as she considered his offer of friendship, in hopes of something more. But as far as she was concern, he was asking for the world. Her heart wasn't ready to be vulnerable again, and the way she felt about him, terrified her. But if she were honest, she'd realize everything he'd just confessed was her heart's cry as well.

She knew the moment they met that she wanted to be a part of his life, and now, she was being offered the opportunity. All she needed to do was take it.

All her life she'd played it safe concerning matters of the heart, but Nathaniel made her want more. Letting him in, was a risk, she knew it but it was one she was destined to take.

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